
黄泛区粉砂土Duncan-Chang双曲线模型参数确定 被引量:9

Determination of Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic Model Parameter of Silt Soil in Yellow River Floodplain
摘要 黄泛区粉砂土具有特殊性,其力学性能也为工程界所关注.本文以开封地区粉砂土为研究对象,在GDS三轴仪上通过控制不同的围压对土样进行固结不排水静三轴剪切试验,得到了土的应力随轴向应变的变化规律;通过试验数据分析和理论计算,对黄泛区饱和粉砂土的Duncan-Chang双曲线模型参数进行了系统研究.研究结果表明,土的应力随着轴向应变增加呈现递增趋势,黄泛区粉砂土的应力-应变曲线表现为应变硬化型;通过利用邓肯-张双曲线模型计算得到的黄泛区粉砂土应力-应变值,与试验测定的结果进行对比,经分析其误差在允许范围内.本文研究内容可为黄河两岸及周边地区的工程施工和设计提供参考依据. The silt soil in Yellow River Floodplain is widely noticed in the engineering field because of its particularity.In this paper,the silt soil in Kaifeng area is taken as the research object,the consolidated undrained static triaxial shear test is carried out on the GDS triaxial apparatus by controlling the different confining pressures,and the variation of the stress with the axial strain is obtained at last.Through the experimental data analysis and theoretical calculation,the Duncan-Chang hyperbolic model parameters of saturated silt soil in Yellow River flood area are studied systematically.The research results show that the stress of soil increases with the increasing axial strain,and the stress-strain curve of silt soil in the Yellow River floodplain represents strain hardening type;by comparing the results obtained from the test with the stress strain values of the silt soil in the Yellow River flood area calculated by using the Duncan Chang hyperbolic model,the error is within the allowable range after analyzing.The research content of this paper can provide reference for the construction and design of the Yellow River and the surrounding areas.
出处 《河南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第6期733-738,共6页 Journal of Henan University:Natural Science
基金 河南省科技厅基础与前沿研究项目(162300410012) 住建部砼芯水泥土砂浆桩的试验及理论分析研究(2011k345)
关键词 黄泛区 粉砂土 固结不排水三轴剪切试验 邓肯-张双曲线模型 the Yellow River floodplain silt soil isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial tests Duncan-Chang hyperbolic model
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