为研究镁肥对杜仲幼苗生长的影响,以"华仲5号"1年生幼苗为材料,采用盆栽试验方法,研究Mg O、钙镁磷肥、Mg SO4 3种常见镁肥对杜仲幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:增施镁肥对杜仲幼苗生长有显著促进作用,其中地上部分干质量、叶片数和地径的增长率较大,分别为22.73%~41.05%、20.06%~32.89%、16.48%~36.95%;地上部分干质量平均增长量为地下部分干质量的1.52倍,根冠比降低7.58%。叶片生长前期叶绿素累积速率加快,增色成熟提前7天左右;叶绿素总量增幅为11.66%~26.18%,其中施MgO的处理增长率最大,达26.18%。施用镁肥促进了幼苗对矿质元素的吸收,全株N、P、K、Mg含量平均增长率分别为17.97%、16.83%、3.95%、30.29%,尤以MgO处理的茎中N、叶中N、叶中Mg含量增长率最大,达29.24%、30.51%,39.67%。综上所述,施用镁肥促进了叶绿素合成及矿质元素累积,对杜仲幼苗生长有显著促进作用,且MgO效果最佳。
In order to explore the influence of magnesium fertilizer on seedling growth Eucommia ulmoides, E. ulmoides "Huazhong-5" was used as material, using pot experiment method study on MgO, calcium magnesium phosphate, MgSO4 three kinds of magnesium fertilizer on seedling growth of E. ulmoides Results showed that: increased magnesium fertilizer on E. ulmoides seedlings growth has significantly promote role, which ground dry heavy, and leaves number and to diameter increases more up 22.73% ~ 41.05%, 20.06% ~ 32.89% and 16.48% ~ 36.95% respectively. The ground dry heavy average growth volume for underground dry heavy of 1.52 times times, root shoot ratio reduced 7.58%. The leaves growth early chlorophyll cumulative rate speed up, graces mature ahead of 7 days around. The chlorophyll total increases for 11.66% ~ 26. 18%, and MgO increments up to 26.18%. Application of magnesium fertilizer promotes the whole plants of mineral elements absorption of N, P, K, Mg average growth for 17.97%, 16. 83%, 3.95%, 30. 29% respectively, especially MgO Group stems N, leaf N, Mg increments up to 29.24%, 30. 5t%, 39.67%. To sum up, application of magnesium fertilizer plants Mg element is increased, promoting chlorophyll synthesis and accumulation of mineral elements, have significant effects on E. ulmoides seedlings, and MgO the best results.
Hunan Forestry Science & Technology
magnesium fertilizer
Eucommia ulmoides Oliv