
国际开放教育资源平台分析及对“一带一路”国家教育资源建设的启示 被引量:15

A Systematic Analysis of International OER Platforms and Implications of Educational Resource Construction of the B&R Initiative
摘要 "一带一路"国家教育体制差异大、语言文化丰富多样、教育信息化发展水平不均衡,从开放教育资源(OER)角度切入可以有效地规避资源建设风险,助力"一带一路"国家优质教育资源的协同创享。文章在界定OER平台属性的基础上,综合UNESCO 2012年的OER定义,遴选出Open Stax、Open Learn、Open Learn Create、Coursera、Khan Academy作为代表性的国际OER平台案例,并从OER的创建(汇聚)、组织管理、传播、使用四个层面,结合OER质量保证TIPS原则,对上述五个案例进行了系统阐述;在案例分析的基础上,着眼"一带一路"战略,分析了教育资源共建共享面临的机遇与挑战,并提出了"一带一路"国家教育资源建设的若干启示:(1)成立开放教育资源国际联盟,整合"一带一路"国家已有资源,避免重复建设;(2)资源精细化建设与模块化集成管理并行;(3)分阶段实现平台功能,根据用户需求进行迭代;(4)关注资源国际化问题,如多语言互译、版权兼容、平台易用性和可移植性等。 Countries along the Belt and Road Initiative have different educational systems, various languages and cultures, as well as imbalanced development levels of ICT in education. Open educational resources(OER) could serve as an effective approach to minimize risks in resource construction and promote co-production and sharing of quality educational resources in BR countries. Based on identification of OER platform characteristics and definition of OER by UNESCO in 2012, this paper selects five typical cases(Open Stax, Open Learn, Open Learn Create, Coursera, Khan Academy) and conducts a systematic analysis of these five platforms from four aspects: creation(integration), organization and management, sharing and application, combined with TIPS framework for OER quality assurance. On the basis of case study and BR strategies, this paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by co-production and sharing of educational resources and works out several implications: 1) an international OER community can be established and existing resources can be integrated to avoid duplicate construction. 2) Resource refinement construction should be parallel to modular integration management. 3)The platform functions can be realized step by step and iterated according to users requirements. 4)Resource globalization should be stressed, including multilingual translation, copyright compatibility,usability and transportability of platforms.
出处 《电化教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第12期106-113,共8页 E-education Research
基金 国家社科基金教育学2017年度国家一般课题"‘一带一路’开放教育资源共建共享机制及推进策略研究"(课题编号:BCA70073)
关键词 开放教育资源 “一带一路” 资源共享 资源平台 案例分析 Open Educational Resource the Belt and Road Resource Sharing Resource Platform Case Study
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