

The Development and Innovation of AIIB:to Promote the Development of Global Integration
摘要 习近平同志倡导的亚投行的筹建使用,是中国几代人共同努力结果。银行发展的历史,体现在四个方面:从没有现代银行到发展门类齐全国有银行的体系再到全球体系银行战略布局;从一个原先不懂国际规则与惯例到成为国际惯例与规则的翻译者再到国际惯例与规则的创作者;从国际金融组织的旁听生到组织国际金融组织的参与者再到国际惯例与规则的组织者;从学习国外同行的产品到模仿同业的产品再到开发全球领先产品引领者。中国亚投行的运营,打破了布雷顿森里体系旧的经济秩序,既顺应新兴市场国家的要求,满足各国改革的期望,保证全球治理的金融改革权;又有助于中国大国形象的塑造,将外汇储备转化为金融乃至政治影响力,保障金融安全的话语权;打破了地缘政治制约,促进了"一带一路"战略的顺利实施,有力地推进了新经济秩序的建立,助推了全球一体化的进程,确保中国参与全球治理体系的领导权。这对研究中国经济,推动世界共同发展具有重大的历史意义与实践意义。 The AIIB, which is advocated by Chinese people. The scientific summary of Xi Jinping, the develop of modern Banks to the development of a full-fledged is the result of the joint efforts of generations of ment of Banks has four leaps: from the absence state banking system and the strategic layout of the global system ;From a translator who did not understand international rules and practices until he became a translator of international conventions and rules to international conventions and rules; From the sidelines of the international financial organization to the participants of tile international financial organization and the organizer of international conventions and rules; From studying foreign products to emulating the products of peers to developing world-leading product leaders. The operation of the AIIB has broken the old economic order of the bretton woods system. It meets the demands of emerging mar- ket countries and meets the expectation of reform of all countries and ensures the right of financial re- form of global governance. It is helpful for the image of China's great power to convert its foreign ex- change reserves into financial and even political influence to guarantee the right to speak of financial se- curity. All the way to break the geopolitical constraints, promote area smooth implementation strategy, vigorously promote a new economic order, boosting global integration process, to ensure that the lead- ership of the China's participation in global governance system. It is of great historic significance and practical significance to study the China's economy and promote the common development of the world.
作者 苏昌强
出处 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》 2017年第6期50-57,共8页 Journal of Shanghai Economic Management College
基金 基金项目:福建省中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心"习近平新闻舆论观及方法论研究"(2016D04)
关键词 金融 经济秩序 改革 话语权 银行 finance economic order reform speaking right the bank
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