
国家间收入差距演进轨迹与启示 被引量:2

The Evolution History of the Income Disparity among Countries and Its Enlightenment
摘要 1960年以来,世界收入差距以2000年为拐点呈倒U型发展,但不同收入水平、不同区域国家之间相对收入差距分化明显,全球财富收入两极分化趋势日趋严重。2000年以前世界收入差距的扩大,主要是由三次世界产业转移引致的发达国家与东亚地区经济相对快速发展引致的。2000年以后世界收入差距的大幅度缩小,主要是由发达国家与发展中国家技术差距缩小、国际贸易格局转变以及人口老龄化对发达国家经济增长产生的负面影响加大等多方面因素共同决定的。未来世界收入差距仍存在不断缩小的内在趋势,但逆全球化因素也可能导致收入差距再度扩大。我国应通过推进合作共赢、改革和完善国际经贸合作发展战略和管理体制,积极应对未来国家收入格局转变带来的新挑战。 Since 1960, the world's income gap has been inverted U-shaped with 2000 as its inflection point. However, the differentiation of income gap between countries in different income levels and between countries in different regions has been obvious. The polarization of global wealth income is worsening. The increase of the income gap in the world before 2000 was mainly caused by the relatively rapid economic development in the developed countries and Eastern Asia, which was caused by the three times world industrial transfer. The drastic reduction in the world income gap after 2000 is mainly determined by a combination of factors such as the narrowing of the technological gap between developed and developing countries, the changing pattern of international trade and the increasing negative impact of population aging on the economic growth of developed countries . In the future, the income gap in our world still has an inherent tendency of shrinking. However, counter-globalization may also cause the income gap to widen again. Actively respond to the new challenges brought about by the change in the world income gap in the future, China should, China should promote the win-win cooperation between countries, reform and improve the development strategy and management system of international economic and trade cooperation.
作者 李建伟 王勇
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第10期81-94,共14页 Reform
关键词 中国与全球化 收入差距 全球经济治理 China and globalization, income disparity, global economic governance
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