The study on the competitive adsorption shows that the magnitude order of metalions adsorbed onto oxide and silicate minerals in near-neutral solution with low ionic strength isin mole/nm2 as follows: CaCO3 > quartz > hydrornuscovite > kaolinite > Ca-montmorillonite >goethite>gibbsite. These minerals can be divided into three groups according to their surfaceequilibrium constants KM of the adsorption reactions, which are the function of the dielectricconstants E of the absorbent minerals. The relationships between constants KM and mineral dielectric constants e are described as follows:for the adsorption reaction:The first group of minerals include quartz, goethite, 1: 1 phyllosilicates and other oxideminerals; the second: gibbsite, brucite and 2:1 phyllosilicates; the third: carbonate, sulphateand phosphorate minerals. The appearance reaction constants have a variation of magnitude± 0. 5 for different metal ions with the same mineral.
The study on the competitive adsorption shows that the magnitude order of metalions adsorbed onto oxide and silicate minerals in near-neutral solution with low ionic strength isin mole/nm2 as follows: CaCO3 > quartz > hydrornuscovite > kaolinite > Ca-montmorillonite >goethite>gibbsite. These minerals can be divided into three groups according to their surfaceequilibrium constants KM of the adsorption reactions, which are the function of the dielectricconstants E of the absorbent minerals. The relationships between constants KM and mineral dielectric constants e are described as follows:for the adsorption reaction:The first group of minerals include quartz, goethite, 1: 1 phyllosilicates and other oxideminerals; the second: gibbsite, brucite and 2:1 phyllosilicates; the third: carbonate, sulphateand phosphorate minerals. The appearance reaction constants have a variation of magnitude± 0. 5 for different metal ions with the same mineral.