7岁女性患儿,全身散在斑疹、增生物7年,加重半年。体格检查:双眼睑结膜明显充血,下睑外翻。皮肤科情况:全身曝光部位皮肤干燥,散在大小不一棕褐色斑疹;头面部散在较多黄豆至鸽蛋大小暗褐色或黑色疣状增生物,多处表面糜烂、渗出,结黑痂或脓痂;前额正中及右鼻翼分别见10 cm×8 cm×4 cm和4 cm×3 cm×2 cm大小菜花状肿物,肿物裂隙内糜烂,有淡黄色渗液及少量血性渗出,表面结黑痂,伴恶臭味。前胸部褐色斑片、额部肿物组织病理检查分别提示符合着色性干皮病及高分化鳞状细胞癌。诊断:着色性干皮病并发高分化鳞状细胞癌。
A 7 years old female patient presented with macular eruptions and neoplasms throughout the body for 7 years and aggravated for half a year. Physical examination showed obvious hyperemia of both eyes and eyelids and ectropion of lower eyelids. Speciality check-up of dermatology showed that: dryness of exposure skin; scattered brown spots in different sizes; multiple soybeans to pigeon egg sized dark brown or black verrucous lesions on the skin of head and face; multiple surface erosion and exudation; black scabs or pus scabs; two cauliflower like masses with the size of 10cm×8cm×4cm and 4cm×3cm×2cm located in the right ala nais and forehead respectively, with slight yellow exudation and small amount of bloody exudation in the fractures of the tumor, as well as superficial black scab and bad odor. The pathological findings of the chest brown patch and frontal mass were consistent with xeroderma pigmentosum and squamous cell carcinoma respcetively. The Diagnosis was xeroderma pigmentosum complicated with squamous cell carcinoma.
Journal of Practical Dermatology
Xeroderma pigmentosum: Squamous cell carcinoma