[目的]传统船舶水尺计重过程中,检视船舶吃水依赖人工目测方法,该方法存在主观性强、准确度及工作效能低等问题。为了解决该问题,[方法]利用在石化行业广泛应用于石油及制品上的雷达液位测距技术,研发一套雷达水尺观测装置,设计优化系列数据计算公式,使其数据结果真实可靠。同时设计雷达和目测检视的对比验证试验,检验其数据结果的准确度。[结果]由雷达传感器、固定支架、显示器等共同组成的雷达水尺检测装置依据靠港船舶的实际应用环境量身打造,并在设计的验证试验中进行试用。[结论]设计定型的雷达水尺检测装置以15船次国际船舶为研究对象,以雷达和人工目测2种方式检视船舶吃水并进行对比试验,数据表明差异范围在0.001~0.022 m之间,平均差异率为0.028%,符合对船舶吃水检视精度的要求。
[Objectives] This paper aims to solve the problems of the high subjectivity and low accuracy and efficiency of draft surveying relying on human visual inspection. [Methods] Radar-level oil and liquid measurement technology products are widely used in the petrochemical industry. A device is developed that uses radar to survey the draft of a boat,designed with data series optimization formulae to ensure that the data results are true and correct. At the same time,a test is designed to prove the accuracy of the results. [Results] According to the conditions of the ship, the device is composed of a radar sensor, triangular bracket and display, and is put to use in the test. [Conclusions] With 15 vessels as the research objects,the comparison experiment shows a difference in range between 0.001-0.022 meters, with an average difference rate of 0.028%, which meets the requirements for ship draft survey accuracy.
Chinese Journal of Ship Research