电力行业自动化技术已由自动化、数字化、信息化迅速向智能化方向发展。本文根据中国水电及新能源自动化应用的需要,推出面向服务的iP9000智能平台,向行业各种自动化、信息化应用提供开发、运行、集成及维护环境,支持IEC 61850,兼顾IEC 60870等目前广泛应用的主要规约,形成各种互联、互通、互动的水电与新能源智能化解决方案。
Electric power automation moves quickly towards smart grid from general automation. This paperpresents service oriented intelligent platform iP9000 recently developed in response to the new requirementsof hydropower automation and renewable energy in China. It provides an open environment for the develop-ment,operation,integration and maintenance of the system. It supports protocols widely adopted in powerautomation such as IEC 61850 and IEC 61970. i P9000 can be used as smart platform solution for diversi-fied automation applications of hydropower and renewable energy.
Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research