基于FireBreath开发框架,整合各种Office软件提供的二次开发接口,实现跨浏览器、兼容各种Office的浏览器插件WebOffice,解决电子政务中或自动化办公系统中浏览器Office插件的兼容性问题。该插件不仅支持主流的浏览器,如IE、Chrome、Safari、Fire Fox,同时支持主流的Office软件,如Microsoft Office、WPS Office和永中Office。
Based on the FireBreath framework, using office software API to develop a WebOffice plug-in, which iscompatible with various browser and various office software, it solves the compatibility problems of office plug-in ine-government system and office automation system. The plug-in supports not only the mainstream browsers, such as IE,Chrome, Safari, FireFox, etc, but also supports the mainstream office software, such as Microsoft Office, WPS Office andYongZhong Office.
Computer and Information Technology