以陇薯5号为材料,研究了营养元素配施对马铃薯光合生理特性及品质的影响。结果表明,不同营养元素组合处理陇薯5号叶片光合生理参数和相对叶绿素含量均具有生育阶段性差异。NPK与中微量营养元素配施条件下,陇薯5号整个生育期叶片光合生理参数和相对叶绿素含量相对较高。处理间鲜薯块茎产量存在差异,单施N、单施P处理的块茎平均产量(19 104 kg/hm^2)明显低于对照(NP处理,22 872 kg/hm^2),而施NPK、NPK+中微量营养元素配施处理均较对照增产,其中NPK+中微量营养元素配施处理最高可增产11.18%。随着增施营养元素种类增多,陇薯5号块茎品质得到改善,NPK+中微量营养元素配施陇薯5号块茎品质更符合马铃薯膳食营养需求。
With potato cultivar Longshu 5 as material, the combined application of nutrient elements on photosynthetic physiological features and quality of Longshu 5 are studied. The result shows that there's periodical difference of leaf photosynthetic parameters and SPAD (relative chlorophyll content) of Longshu 5 potato among five nutrient elements treatments, such as single Nitrogen (N), single phosphorus (P), NP(the contrast) , NPK (K as potassium), full nutrients treatment (NPK with other middle and trace nutrient elements).During whole growing stages, Longshu 5 had relative high photosynthetic physiological parameters and SPAD value under full nutrients treatment. The combination patterns of nutrient elements directly affected the tuber yield of Longshu 5. The average tuber yield of Longshu 5 under N and P treatment is 19 104 kg/hm2 which obvious lower than the contrast, while Longshu 5 have higher tuber yield than the contrast under NPK and full nutrient treatments whose tuber yield was 22 872 kg/hm2 higher than the contrast with 11.18%. Along with supplying more and more nutrient elements, tuber quality of Longshu: No.5 improved more in line with dietary nutritional requirements.
Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology