目的了解辽宁省盘锦市大洼县高血压患者治疗情况及其影响因素,为提高高血压患者的治疗率提供参考依据。方法于2014年11—12月采用整群随机抽样方法在大洼县唐家镇、圈河镇和田家镇抽取2 230例高血压患者进行问卷调查。结果大洼县2 230例高血压患者中,近2周规律服用降压药物者1 119例,高血压患者治疗率为50.18%;1 119例高血压治疗者中,服用1种降压药物者1 010例(90.3%),服用≥2种降压药物者109例(9.7%);高血压患者最常服用的3种药物主要为复方制剂、钙离子拮抗剂和血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,分别为397、393和229例,分别占高血压治疗者的35.5%、35.1%和20.5%;多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,女性、患高血压年限≥1年、有高血压家族史和高血压合并症的高血压患者治疗率较高。结论大洼县高血压患者治疗率较低,性别、患高血压年限、有无高血压家族史和合并症是影响大洼县高血压患者治疗情况的主要因素。
Objective To examine the situation and influencing factors of medication among hypertensive patients in Dawa county of Panjin municipality, Liaoning province, and to provide references for improving the treatment rate of the hypertensive patients. Methods A total of 2 230 hypertensive patients in three towns of Dawa county were recruited with cluster random sampling for a questionnaire survey between November and December 2014. Results Of the 2 230 participants,1 119 (50. 18% ) reported taking antihypertensive drugs regularly during the previous two weeks. Of the 1 119 participants reporting regular medication for hypertension treatment, 1 010 (90. 3% ) took only one type of antihy- pertensive drug;109 (9.7%) took two or more types of antihypertensive drugs. The three types of antihypertensive drug most commonly used by the participants were compound preparations (reported by 397 35.5% 3 of the participants), calcium antagonists ( 393 [ 35. 1% ] ), and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors ( 229 E 20. 5% ] ), respectively. The results of multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that female gender, with a duration of hyperten- sion of one year or more, family history of hypertension, and with hypertension complications were promoting factors of medication for hypertension treatment in the participants. Conclusion The rate of medication for hypertension is low and mainly influenced by gender, years of suffering from hypertension, family history of hypertension, and hypertension related complications among hypertension patients in Dawa county.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
hypertensive patients
treatment status
influencing factor