
江苏省典型汽车涂装企业VOCs排放特征与污染控制技术 被引量:6

Emission Characteristics and Control of VOCs for Typical Automotive Coating Enterprise in Jiangsu
摘要 利用物料衡算和源排放测试对江苏省典型汽车涂装企业VOCs排放特征进行研究,并提出最佳治理技术。结果表明,大客车单位涂装面积VOCs排放量达到300 g/m2以上,小轿车为40~60 g/m2。苯系物是VOCs排放的重要组分,最高占比为33.2%~64.6%。乙酸丁酯、异丙醇、丁醇等醇酯类物质近年来广泛用于代替苯系物溶剂,其排放占比为29.6%~61.2%。汽车涂装行业最佳治理技术包括采用3C1B、水性免中涂等先进涂装工艺,用粉末涂料、水性涂料和高固体成分涂料等代替溶剂型涂料,从源头控制排放。采用干式漆雾分离技术、转轮浓缩吸附-蓄热式焚烧技术等先进尾气治理技术,VOCs去除率可达99%以上。 The mater ial balance metliod and source emission test were used for some typical autoJiangsu province to stiidy the emission characteristics of VOCs, an d the b e s t c o n tro l tech n o lo g y was p ro p o se d . The re su l ts in d ic a tethat the VOCs emission of per unit coating area for the buses reaches more than 300 g/m2, an d for the c a r s, b e tw een 4 0 ? 60 g /m 2.The benzene homologues are the important components in VOCs emission, which a c c o u n t for a t most 3 3 . 2' ? 6 4 . 6' . In re c e n tyears, butyl acetate, iso p ro p y l alcohol, b u ty l a lc o h o l, e tc . are widely u s e d to re p la c e the b e n z e n e s o lv e n ts, an d th e i r h ig h e s tproportion in VOCs emission is between 29. 6' ?6 1 . 2' . The b e s t c o n tro l technology for the automot ive co at in g in d u s t ry is tocontrol the emission source by using the powder coating, w a terb o rn e c o a t in g s, high sol ids co at in g an d othier co at in g s to re p la c e the solvent coatings through the use of advanced coating technologies including 3C1B, wa ter free co at in g a n d o th ers . By u s in g the advanced exhaust gas treatment technologies such as, d ry p a in t -m is t se p a ra t io n te c h n o lo g y, ru n n e r c o n c e n tra te d ad so rp t io n an dregenerative combustion technology and so on, the removal ra te of VOCs will re a c h more th a n
出处 《环境监控与预警》 2017年第6期19-23,共5页 Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning
基金 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项基金资助项目(20140919) 江苏省科技支撑计划基金资助项目(SBE2014070918)
关键词 汽车涂装 挥发性有机物 排放特征 污染控制技术 江苏 Automotive sur face coating Vo la ti le organic c om p o u n d s (V O C s) Em iss io n c h a r a c te r is t ic s Po l lu tio n controltechnology Jiangsu
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