Introduction: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is commonly caused by placental insufficiency, resulting in a chronic hypoxic environment and subsequent abnormal fetal development. The developing brain is particularly vulnerable to IUGR conditions. Multiple causal factors associated with brain injury in fetal growth restriction include the timing of placental insufficiency, onset and subsequent severity of fetal compromise, fetal cerebrovascular response and the redistribution of brain blood flow. Although a significant proportion of IUGR infants exhibit adverse long-term neu- rological outcomes, relatively few studies have focused on the mechanisms of brain injury in the IUGR neonate. Clini- cal imaging studies of IUGR infants demonstrate alterations in grey matter and white matter volume and structure (Tolsa et al., 2004; Esteban et al., 2010; Padilla et al., 2015). Cortical grey matter volume is reduced by up to 28% compared with control infants (Tolsa et al., 2004) and both white and grey matter show structural changes (Esteban et al., 2010). These structural changes persist at 1 year of age and are associated with significant developmental disabilities (Tolsa et al., 2004;
Introduction: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is commonly caused by placental insufficiency, resulting in a chronic hypoxic environment and subsequent abnormal fetal development. The developing brain is particularly vulnerable to IUGR conditions. Multiple causal factors associated with brain injury in fetal growth restriction include the timing of placental insufficiency, onset and subsequent severity of fetal compromise, fetal cerebrovascular response and the redistribution of brain blood flow. Although a significant proportion of IUGR infants exhibit adverse long-term neu- rological outcomes, relatively few studies have focused on the mechanisms of brain injury in the IUGR neonate. Clini- cal imaging studies of IUGR infants demonstrate alterations in grey matter and white matter volume and structure (Tolsa et al., 2004; Esteban et al., 2010; Padilla et al., 2015). Cortical grey matter volume is reduced by up to 28% compared with control infants (Tolsa et al., 2004) and both white and grey matter show structural changes (Esteban et al., 2010). These structural changes persist at 1 year of age and are associated with significant developmental disabilities (Tolsa et al., 2004;
supported by the University of Queensland Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Emerging Leaders grant and Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Foundation research grant