采用农业废弃物——丝瓜络作为生物膜同步硝化反硝化(SND)系统的填料和固体碳源,研究丝瓜络固体碳源反应器的启动特性.试验研究丝瓜络的静态释碳规律;反应器启动过程中COD_(Cr)、NH_4^+-N、TN的去除效果;反应器启动成功后,利用比氧吸收速率(SOUR)、比硝化速率(SNR)及比反硝化速率(SNUR)测试生物膜性能等内容.结果表明,丝瓜络静态释碳量在41 h达到最大值,释碳过程符合二级动力学;反应器在启动的第21周期时,CODCr、NH_4^+-N、TN的去除率均在70%以上,表明该固体碳源生物膜同步硝化反硝化(SND)系统启动成功;SOUR、SNR和SNUR分别可达0.92 mg·(L·min)^(-1)、8.52 mg·(L·h)^(-1)和5.66 mg·(L·h)^(-1),说明该生物反应器可快速启动且生物膜活性高,丝瓜络适合作为固体碳源生物膜填料.
Based on agricultural waste loofah sponge as the filler and solid carbon source of a membrane simultaneous nitrification and denitrification( SND) system,the starting characteristics of solid carbon source reactor was studied. Experimental contents contained static carbon releasing rule of loofah sponge,the removal effects of COD_(Cr)、NH_4^+-N and TN during the startup of the reactor,and the reactor biological membrane performance by analyzing oxygen uptake rate( SOUR),specific nitrification rate( SNR) and the specific denitrification rate( SNUR) after starting successfully the reactor. The results showed that the loofah sponge static carbon emission reached the maximum at 41 h,The carbon release process accords with the two order kinetics; at the start of the twenty-first period,COD_(Cr)、NH_4^+-N and TN removal rate was above 70%. The results proved that the solid carbon source biofilm SND system was successful: SOUR、SNR and SNUR respectively 0. 92 mg·( L·min)^(-1)、8. 52 mg·( L·h)^(-1) and 5. 66 mg·( L·h)^(-1). It also proved that the bioreactor could be started quickly and loofah sponge was adaptable as solid carbon source biofilms.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition