DNA甲基化作为一种重要的表观遗传修饰,在生长发育、基因调控、染色质结构、分子印记以及许多疾病中起着至关重要的作用.随着各种测序技术的不断发展产生了大量的DNA甲基化数据,对其数据进行分析是目前DNA甲基化研究的一个热点和难点.目前针对于DNA甲基化数据的研究主要体现在基因组的局部区域上,而针对全基因组的分析则无法直观表现.为了更加直观的分析同一位点不同修饰信号的DNA甲基化数据间的差别,本文采用了一种专门针对表观遗传研究的数据库—WashU Epigenome Browser,针对人类表观遗传学药物数据库(HEDD)中的疾病数据,可视化的分析不同修饰信号间的差异并用数据波峰图来解释说明.
DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification,in the growth and development,gene regulation,chromatin structure,molecular imprinting,which plays an important role in many diseases. With the continuous development of all kinds of sequencing technology to produce a large number of DNA methylation data,analysis of its data is a hotspot and difficulty in the study of DNA methylation. The current study on DNA methylation data mainly embodied in the local area in the genome,and cannot intuitionistic show the whole genome analysis. In order to more intuitive analysis of the different modification on the same site as the signal of the differences between DNA methylation data,this paper adopted a kind of epigenetic studies specifically for database-Wash U Epigenome Browser,for human epigenetic drugs database( HEDD) of disease data,we visualy analysis of the differences between different modified signal and use data wave diagram to explain.
Journal of Jilin Normal University:Natural Science Edition