首先通过仿真得出35 k V线路杆塔以三相或两边相同时安装线路避雷器防雷效果最佳。再通过易击杆塔及附近杆塔避雷器不同的安装位置对杆塔的耐雷水平和导线中雷电冲击过电压的影响,最终得出安装线路避雷器仅能提高安装杆塔的耐雷水平,对相邻杆塔无外延保护,在易击杆塔附近连续安装线路避雷器对于提高易击杆塔的耐雷水平和降低导线中雷电冲击过电压的峰值要比间断安装时效果好。
Firstly,through simulation it is concluded that an optimal effect of lightening protection can be achieved for the 35 k V line tower if line arresters are installed on three phases or two side phases. Then,it discusses the affection of different installation positions of the arresters of easily struck towers and adjacent towers upon lightning withstand level of the towers as well as lightening impulse overvoltage in the wire. Finally,it is concluded that installation of line arresters can only raise the lightening withstand level of the installation tower and cannot extend protection to adjacent towers,and that continuous installation of line arresters in the vicinity of the easily struck tower can produce better effect on the improvement of lightening withstand level of the easily struck tower and on the reduction of lightening impulse overvoltage in the wire than interrupted installation.
Electrical Automation