Affected by economic slowdown and oil price's decline, China's natural gas consumption in the past 3 years maintained "single digit" growth. Because of economic recovery, improving industrial development, and "coal to gas" facilitation, China's natural gas consumption increment reached 15.07 billion cubic meters in the first half of 2017, surpassing that of all last year. According to the historical consumption features and the third quarter growth, China's natural gas consumption is expected to be 230,700 million cubic meters in 2017, with an increase by 16.4 percent, an increase of more than 30 billion cubic meters with a record high. However, high growth in market consumption will accordingly bring high pressure and it is expected that the supply and demand of winter in 2017 will reach a tight balance. If extreme weather occurs, there will might be a risk of gas shortage. According to the current conditions of resources and infrastructure conditions, in order to reduce the bartender for pressure, China should promote the development of the natural gas market, use price leverage to increase market guidance, promote the peak shaving facilities construction, and realize smooth and safe operation of the market.
International Petroleum Economics