Objective Currently, images, such as 3D medical and high-resolution satellite images, provide considerable in- formation, and image processing results are required in real time in many cases, such as clinical and meteorological. Paral- lel image processing devices, such as graphics processing unit (GPU) and field-programmable gate arrays, have been crea- ted for engineers at a convenient price. Partial differential equation (PDE) method is extensively used in image processing. However, its solution methods are time-consuming and difficult to be directly mapped to GPU. Traditional PDE solution methods are contradictory to the assumption that space and time are continuous. Thus, a method that is naturally parallel and simple and with clear physical meaning is required to simulate the macro model described by the PDE. Recently, lat- tice Boltzmann (LB) method has been applied to image denoising, inpainting, registration, and segmentation as an effi- cient and flexible method for modeling and solving PDE. However, a systematic review of the applications of LB for image processing has not been found in previous studies. Therefore, this paper proposes the abovementioned literature review to support scholars in gaining further insights into the frontier development of the topic. Method In this work, numerous pub- lic reports on the applications of LB for image denoising, inpainting, segmentation, and other 3D image processing were ini- tially surveyed using the keywords, "lattice Bohzmann" and "image processing. " These reports were classified according to their differences when scholars proposed LB mathematical models, namely, "top-down" or "bottom-up" approaches in terms of macro or micro, respectively. Then, programming algorithms, computing complexities, and application scenarios of LB for image processing were analyzed and summarized. Finally, essential differences between LB and other PDE-solving methods were concluded, and further research directions on this topic were proposed. Result First, LB model has a clear physical meaning. The general LB method consists of two steps as follows : a streaming step in which particles ( or particle densities) move from node to node on a lattice and a collision step in which particles (or particle densities) are redistribu- ted at each node. The two steps are governed by the LB evolution equation, where parameters relaxation time and source term decide the movement of the particles. The state of each node at the next moment is only related to the state of its neighboring nodes because the particles move along the b links. In image processing, each pixel value is considered particle densities, and changes in pixel value can be considered redistribution of particles that are decided by relaxation time ~" and source term F~ in which image information, such as gradient and curvature, are embedded. Second, macro models can be classified into anisotropic, nonlinear, and linear diffusion models according to diffusion tensor. The microdifferences among the abovementioned macro models are decided by relaxation time. In the anisotropic diffusion model, ^- has a different value on the b links, and the value changes along each link according to image information. In the nonlinear diffusion model, r has the same value on the b links, and the value changes similarly to the anisotropic model. In the linear model, ~" has the same and constant value on the b links. ~" changes in the anisotropic and nonlinear models because the pixel value changes after each iteration; F changes in the model with external force terms. Two parameters must be computed in each iteration. Consequently, the computing complexities of the anisotropic, nonlinear, and linear diffusion models are decreased. The computing complexity of the LB models that include external force terms is also decided by source terms. Third, "top- down" approach uses the LB evolution equation to construct a macro model, which appears similar to existing image pro- cessing PDE. Then, ^- and F~ are determined by PDE diffusion tensor and external force term separately. "Bottom-up" ap- proach constructs ~" and F directly according to the physical meaning of the LB method. The first approach uses the LB method as an alternative solving approach to PDE and requires high mathematical skill. The second approach used in con- strncting the mathematical model is easy and flexible. Fourth, the LB method is inherently parallel and naturally suited for GPU, which is ideally fit for explicit, local, and lattice-based computations. The advantage of LB in computing speed is obvious when image amount is large. The GPU/CPU speedup factors are larger in large 3D volumes than in small volumes. The programming of LB is simple. The core LB algorithm can be implemented with a few lines of codes and a brief coding time. Fifth, the anisotropic and nonlinear diffusion models can be used in image denoising and inpainting. The design of the external force terms significantly influences the quality of image segmentation. Conclusion The LB method has a high research value as a natural parallel algorithm in fast image processing, such as 3D image denoising, inpainting, and seg- mentation. However, several problems must still be further studied, such as image boundary processing, parallel platform selection, and optimization.
Journal of Image and Graphics