传统的挖潜方式以原始测井资料、地质资料为主要参考依据。随着开发年限的增加,地层压力下降,导致挖潜措施效果逐年变差,成功率降低。为了改善挖潜效果,在重新进行精细地质特征研究和剩余油分布描述的基础上,深入剖析低产原因,有针对性的对油藏实施挖潜措施,建立有效的压力驱替系统,提高水驱动用程度,制定合理有效的能量补充和利用方案,保障挖潜调整成功率和措施效果。学庄油区2016年挖潜18口,成功15口,成功率由2015年57%上升至83%,达到Ⅰ类标准,增油10364 t,单井年增油575.8 t,自然递减率降至7.5%,综合递减率降至-3.2%,有效弥补递减10.7%,综合开发效果明显提高。
The traditional methods of tapping the potential for residual oil are based on the original logging data and geological data.Along with the increasing of development time,formation pressure drops rapidly as a serious problem that has affect the success ratio of tapping potential.In order to improve the reservoir development effect,on the basis of researches on the fine geologic characteristics and the description of remaining oil distribution,the causes of low productivity were analyzed in depth,and targeted tapping measures on oil reservoirs were established,an effective pressure displacement system was established,the degree of water drive was increased,and a reasonable and effective energy supplement and utilization programs to ensure the success rate and effect of tapping potential adjustment.Xuezhuang oil region tapped potential 18 well in 2016 and succeeded 15 well.The success ratio increased from 57%(2015) to 83%(2016),reached Ⅰclass standard,increased 10364 t of oil,575.8 t per well a year,natural decline rate dropped to 7.5%,composite declining rate dropped to-3.2%,effectively compensate for the decline 10.7%.The comprehensive development effect has been greatly improved.
Journal of Yan'an University:Natural Science Edition
fine reservoir description
low-permeability oilfield
fine tapping potential methods