文章分析了±800 k V雁淮直流送端电网存在的安全稳定问题,介绍了配套安全稳定控制系统的配置及各厂站装置的功能。文章重点阐述了安控装置与特高压换流站站控系统的数字化接口设计与功能实现,整组时间内多次直流功率回降功能的设计与实现方法以及利用控保直流功率指令值计算直流故障后的损失功率新方法。该系统的控制策略与实施方案对于今后特高压直流输电工程配套安控系统具有重要的借鉴意义。
Analyzing the concerned security and stability problems of the export power grid of ±800 kV Yanmenguan-Huai'an UHVDC transmission and introducing the configuration of the security and stability control system and the function of devices in each substation. This paper focuses on the digital interface design and function implementation between security and stability control devices and pole control system in UHV convertor station, and the design and implementation method of dc power back down many times in the group time, and the new method of loss power after dc failure is calculated by using the de power instruction. The control strategy and program implemented of this system has an important reference to the security and stability control system mating with UHVDC transmission project.
Jiangsu Science and Technology Information