
主体性与真理——福柯论“关心自己” 被引量:4

Subjectivity and Truth:Foucault's Study of “Epimēleia Heautou”
摘要 从1980年开始,福柯将理论触角延伸至早期基督教、希腊化罗马及古希腊世界。在1981—1982年法兰西学院课程讲座《主体解释学》中,福柯分析了主体与真理的关系、"关心自己"与"认识自己"的调转、古代哲学精神生活修行到现代科学理性理论认知的推进等问题。福柯晚期以"关心自己"这一概念对古代哲学展开全面质询,考察了古代世界围绕着"关心自己"所采取的诸种实践、形成的知识形式以及弥漫于这一概念中的真理体验,福柯将这一体验称作"精神性"。福柯正是从"精神性"这一哲学传统出发理解及阐释古代哲学真理主体化的生活实践,其最终目的是为了塑造一种精神品性,而不仅仅关涉一种形而上学的沉思与知识获取。 From 1980, Michel Foucault extended his theoretical insight into the early Christianity, Hellenistic Rome and Ancient Greece. In The Hermeneutics of the Subject: Lectures at College de France, 1981-1982, Foucault elucidated the issues of the relationship between subject and truth, the reversibility of the two concepts "epimeleia heautou" and "gnethi seauton," as well as the evolution of the ancient world's "askesis" to modern metaphysical "connaissance." The later Foucault investigated the ancient philosophy by problematizing the Greek decisive concept "Epimeleia Heautou" (care of the self), analyzing the practices, the forms of knowledge derived from it and the accompanying truth experience as "spirituality." Foucault's main concern is that the ancient philosophical subjectivition of truth is based on the tradition of"spirituality," the telos of which is to cultivate "Ethos" and not just "mathesis."
作者 杜玉生
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期78-87,共10页 Foreign Literature
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金资助项目"福柯的古代经典阐释研究"(2015SJB055) 国家社科基金青年项目"福柯晚期主体思想研究"(15CZX036)
关键词 晚期福柯 关心自己 主体性 真理 Later Foucault, epimeleia heautou, subjectivity, truth
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  • 2Berlin, Isaiah. Political Ideas in the Romantic Age. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2006.
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  • 4Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish The Birth of the Prison. Trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith. New York.. Vintage, 1979.
  • 5Foucault, Michel.The History of Sexuality : An Introduction. Trans. Robert Hurley. London: Penguin, 1990.
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