As the founder of cultural studies, Richard Hoggart devoted himself to researching and preserving the British working-class culture all his life. In the mid-20th century, in The Uses of Literacy he presented the British working-class culture from the first World War to the 1950s and gave a new class dimension to cultural studies. Then in Life and Times, published at the turn of the 80s to 90s, Hoggart systematically analyzed the condition and development of the British working-class culture of the 19th century, and prospected its future. With the change of British social context in the 1980s, he began to struggle with relativism constantly to preserve the defense line of working-class culture. In the mid-1990s, Hoggart combined the criticism on relativism with reflection on contemporary British working-class culture in Townscape with Figures. Although there are some shortcomings in Hoggart's research, the subjects, perspective, methods and other aspects of his studies are worth studying and rethinking for Chinese scholars.
Foreign Literature