仿真被广泛应用于抽象的稳态业务流程分析,这种分析有助于初始的业务流程设计,但并不太适用于运营决策和持续改进。文章通过信用卡申请示例介绍了在工作流管理环境下的操作决策支持的仿真系统,该方法集合并扩展了工作流管理系统YAWL和流程挖掘框架Pro M,不仅利用工作流程的设计,而且还记录了描述系统观察到的历史行为的数据,以及关于工作流当前状态的信息。
Simulation is widely used in abstract steady-state business process analysis, which helps to initial business process design, but is not suitable for operational decisions and continuous improvement. This paper introduces the simulation system of operational decision support in the workflow management environment through the credit card application example. This method combines and extends the workflow management system YAWL and the process mining framework Pro M, not only using the design of the workflow, but also recorded the description. The system observes the historical behavior of the data, as well as the current state of the workflow information.
Logistics Sci-Tech