目的了解2009—2015年浙江省杭州市0~2岁婴幼儿伤害的流行病学特征,为本地区实施科学有效的婴幼儿伤害防制措施提供参考依据。方法选取杭州市3家监测哨点医院,采用统一制定的伤害监测登记表对前来就诊的首诊伤害病例进行登记。用Epi Data 3.02软件建立数据库,采用Excel 2007、SPSS 16.0等软件对0~2岁学龄前儿童伤害发生的地点、活动情况、类别、严重程度、性别等进行流行病学分析。结果 3家哨点医院共接诊0~2岁婴幼儿735名。学龄前儿童伤害多发生在家中,秋季居多(32.11%),常见于空闲时(90.48%)。伤害主要原因为动物伤(38.37%),其次为跌伤/坠落(31.16%);伤害程度多为轻微的浅表伤(83.27%),其次为中等程度的伤害(15.65%)。不同性别婴幼儿伤害发生时的活动差异有统计学意义(χ~2=19.29,P=0.014)。结论杭州市0~2岁婴幼儿男童因运动而受伤的较女童多;伤害发生时间秋季最多;伤害主要原因为动物伤;婴幼儿的烧烫伤比例较高;伤害多发生在家中。应根据杭州地区实际情况尽早开展相应的伤害预防控制干预措施。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of injury cases in infants and young children aged 0 -2 years in Hangzhou during 2009 - 2015, and provide evidence for the effective prevention and control of injury. Methods The unified record cards were used to register new injury cases in the three sentinel hospitals. EpiData 3. 02 software was used to set up the database. Excel 2007 and SPSS 16.0 were used to analyze the gender specific distributions of injury occurring places, injury related activities and injury type or severity in the infants aged 0 - 2 years in Hangzhou. Results A total of 753 injury cases aged 0 - 2 years were admitted by three sentinel hospitals. Most injury cases occurred at home and in autumn (32. 11% ). The majority of the injuries occurred in leisure time 90. 48% and during sports. The first 2 types of the injuries were animal attack ( 38.37% ) and fall ( 31.16% ). The mild injury cases accounted for highest proportion (83.27%), followed by moderate injury cases (15.65%). There was significant difference in injury related activities between boys and girls aged 0 -2 years (X2 = 19. 29,P = 0. 014). Conclusions More injuries occurred in boys than in girls aged 0 -2 years during sports, and injuries mainly occurred in autumn and home. The injuries were mainly caused by animal attack. The proportion of burn/scald was high. According to the local actual situation in Hangzhou, targeted preventive measures, such as early safety education, should be carried out in infants and young children to reduce the incidence of injury.
Disease Surveillance
Injury: Infant and young child: Epidemiology
Sentinel surveillance