目的探讨分析荆花胃康胶丸联合三联疗法治疗消化性溃疡的临床疗效。方法选取2013年10月—2016年10月在天津市中医药研究院附属医院治疗的消化性溃疡患者96例,随机分成对照组和治疗组,每组各48例。对照组患者口服奥美拉唑镁肠溶片,20 mg/次,2次/d;同时口服阿莫西林胶囊,1 000 mg/次,2次/d,以及饭后口服克拉霉素片500 mg/次,2次/d。治疗组患者在对照组的基础上口服荆花胃康胶丸,160 mg/次,3次/d。两组患者均治疗14 d。评价治疗前后两组患者胃痛和胃镜疗效以及幽门螺杆菌(Hp)清除率。结果治疗后,对照组和治疗组胃痛疗效分别为81.25%和91.66%,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组和治疗组胃镜疗效分别为85.42%、89.58%,两组比较差异无统计学意义。治疗后,对照组Hp清除率31.25%,显著低于治疗组的83.33%,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论荆花胃康胶丸治疗消化性溃疡效果确切,与三联疗法联合使用可增强根除Hp作用。
Objective To investigate the clinical effect of Jinhua Weikang Capsules Combined with triple therapy in treatment of peptic ulcer. Methods Patients (96 cases) with peptic ulcer in Tianjin Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital from October 2013 to October 2016 were randomly divided into control and treatment groups, and each group had 48 cases. Patients in the control group were po administered with Omeprazole Magnesium Enteric-coated Tablets, 20 mg/time, twice daily, and they were po administered with Amoxicillin Capsules at the same time, 100 mg/time, twice daily, also po administered with Clarithromycin Tablets after meals, 500 mg/time, twice daily. Patients in the treatment group were po administered with Jinhua Weikang Capsules on the basis of the control group, 160 mg/time, three times daily. Patients in two groups were treated for 14 d. After treatment, the stomachache efficacy, gastroscopic figures and Hp clearance rate in two groups before and after treatment were evaluated. Results After treatment, the stomachache efficacy in the control and treatment groups were 81.25% and 91.66%, respectively, and there were differences between two groups (P 〈 0.05). Gastroscopic figures in the control and treatment groups were 85.42% and 89.58%, respectively, and there were no difference between two groups. After treatment, the Hp clearance rate in the control group was 31.25%, which was significantly lower than 83.33% in the treatment group, with significant difference between two groups (P 〈0.05). Conclusion Jinhua Weikang Capsules has significantly effect in treatment of peptic ulcer, which combined with triple therapy can increase Hp clearance rate.
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