
2012-2016年上海市虹口区碘缺乏病监测结果分析 被引量:5

Analysis of monitoring results on iodine deficiency disorders in Hongkou District of Shanghai from 2012 to 2016
摘要 目的了解上海市虹口区居民碘盐普及情况和学龄儿童碘营养状况,为调整相应干预措施提供依据。方法2012—2016年,根据《上海市碘缺乏病监测方案》,在虹口区范围内,按东、西、南、北、中5个方位各抽取1条街道,根据每年的监测方案要求,抽取一定量的居民或8-10岁学龄儿童进行监测,从所抽中的居民或儿童家中采集盐样进行盐碘检测,同时对儿童进行尿碘检测(2013年未检测该项)。盐碘测定采用《制盐工业通用试验方法碘的测定》(GB/T13025.7-2012),尿碘测定采用《尿中碘的砷铈催化分光光度测定方法》(WS/T107—2006)。结果2012—2016年共检测食用盐1550份,合格碘盐847份,不合格碘盐299份,非碘盐404份,碘盐覆盖率为73.9%,合格碘盐食用率为54.6%。2012、2014—2016年共检测尿样591份,尿碘中位数为177.2μg/L,〈100μg/L的103份,占17.4%;100-199μg/L的248份,占42.0%;≥300μg/L的91份,占15.4%。结论上海市虹口区居民未达到碘盐覆盖率及合格碘盐食用率的目标,儿童平均尿碘水平达到国家消除碘缺乏病标准,应进一步提高合格碘盐食用率。 Objective To understand the coverage of iodized salt and the iodine nutritional status of schoolchildren in Hongkou District of Shanghai City and to provide a basis for adjusting corresponding intervention measures. Methods From 2012 to 2016, according to the "Shanghai Iodine Deficiency Disease Surveillance Program", a street was chosen from five directions as east, west, south, north and centre in Hongkou District. According to the annual monitoring plan, a certain amount of residents or schoolchildren aged 8 - 10 were chosen for monitoring, collecting salt samples from residents or children's home to detect salt iodine, and collecting urine samples of children to detect urinary iodine level (which was not tested in 2013). Determination of iodine salt was based on "Determination of Iodine by the General Test Method for the Salt Industry" (GB/T 13025.7-2012), urinary iodine determination was based on "Arsenic and Cerium Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Iodine in Urine" (WSFF 107-2006). Results From 2012 to 2016, a total of 1 550 edible salt samples were tested, including 847 qualified iodized salts, 299 unqualified iodized salts and 404 non-iodized salts, the coverage of iodized salt was 73.9%, and the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 54.6%. A total of 591 urine samples were tested in 2012, 2014 - 2016. The median of urinary iodine was 177.2 μg/L; of which 〈 100 μg/L was 103, accounting for 17.4%; 100 - 199 μg/L was 248, accounting for 42.0%; and ≥300 p,g/L was 91, accounting for 15.4%. Conclusions The residents in Hongkou District of Shanghai City do not meet the target of iodized salt coverage and consumption rates of qualified iodized salt. The average urinary iodine level of schoolchildren aged 8 - 10 years has reached the national standard for eliminating iodine deficiency disorders; we should further improve the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt.
出处 《中华地方病学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期892-894,共3页 Chinese Journal of Endemiology
关键词 盐类 尿 儿童 Iodine Salts Urine Child
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