采用高效液相色谱仪检测法,以毒死蜱杀虫剂为材料,从贮藏条件、洗涤方式两方面探讨了去除蔬菜中农药残留的有效方法。结果表明,半衰期均小于3 d;在室温(20℃)条件下,生菜和黄瓜贮藏2 d后农药消除率为33.4%~38.2%,4 d后消除率均达48.0%以上;冰箱(4℃)贮藏4 d后消除率为24.8%~31.0%,比室温贮藏2 d后的消除率稍差,由此建议消费者采用室温贮存蔬菜1~2 d,之后采用冰箱(4℃)贮存的蔬菜储存方式;采用日常洗涤蔬菜的5种处理方法,即流水、洗洁精、精盐、面粉、白酒的溶液洗涤,蔬菜中毒死蜱的去除率分别为45.9%~51.0%、45.9%~54.0%、41.6%~45.5%、67.9%~75.0%、62.4%~69.0%,5种处理方法中,面粉溶液洗涤去除蔬菜中毒死蜱的效果最佳。研究表明,毒死蜱在蔬菜中消解速率较快,采用室温和冰箱贮存相结合的方法既能降低农药残留又能保证蔬菜新鲜度,在此基础上利用面粉溶液洗涤蔬菜可以去除其中大部分残留农药。
The removal methods of chlorpyrifos in vegetables were investigated using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Lettuce and cucumbers were selected as representative vegetables.The results showed that the removing rate of pesticide was from 33.4% to 38.2% after storage in room temperature (20 ~C )for 2 d,while it was above 48.0% after 4 d at the same conditions.Meanwhile, the removing rate was ranged from 24.8% to 31.0% after storage for 4 d under refrigerator(4 ℃ ), it was lower than that in room temperature for 2 d, so it was advised that consumers store vegetables 1-2 d under the room temperature first ,then transfer to refrigerator for removing pesticides quickly and keeping the vegetable fresh.In five washing methods of vegetables, including water, detergent, salt, flour and liquor solution, the removal rates of chlorpyrifos were ranged between 45.9%-51.0%, 45.9%-54.0%, 41.6%-45.5%, 67.9%-75.0% and 62.4%-69.0%, respectively, and flour solution was proved to be the best method to remove pesticide. In conclusion ,the degradation rate of chlorpyrifos in vegetables was fast ,storage combined room temperature and refrigerator was better for pesticide removal and kept the vegetable fresh,then wash the vegetable with flour solution could remove the most of chlorpyrifos in vegetables.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology
degradation dynamic
storage condition
washing method
removal rate