
语文教育:跨世纪的文化信仰危机与其拯救路数 被引量:6

Chinese Education :Cultural Brief Crisis and an Approach to its Re-establishment
摘要 跨世纪的语文和语文教育得不到国人应有的价值认同、情感依赖、道统承传和信念守持,陷于令人忧惧的文化信仰危机深处。具体表现为学生厌而不学、家长放而莫管、教师倦而欲悔、学校管而失敬、社会责而无度。其形成导源于人们对母语文化地位、修习价值的扭曲认知,同时也关涉语文固有的学科属性、课程特征及授受方式;实质是认识选择滞后、教育功能错位、社会信仰缺失。如能从东方传统文化中汲取教育智慧,导引教育者、受教育者采用下列策略予以有序对治,另有相关社会措施与之配伍,则有望化解危机,求得转机,恢复生机,使语文和语文教育信仰得以重新确立:一是深信敬师奉道尊重语文之要义,二是确解返本归真修习母语之门径,三是笃行养德开智服务生活之正道,四是实证度人自度共享利乐之良果。 There is no denying that over centuries Chinese education has been falling into a serious crisis of being distrusted and disrespected, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects: a disgust for Chinese learning ; parents^ hands-off attitude towards their children^ indifference to Chinese study, teachers' repentance for choosing Chinese teaching as their profession due to weariness, supervision without good manners from the school side and over-criticism on students from the society side. All those factors boil down to the distortion of the cognitive on Chinese in terms of its social position and the value of Chinese study, and they also relate to the nature and characteristics of Chinese course itself as well as its teaching methods, which however in essence, is the lack of social brief, lagged cognitive and choice of Chinese study and dislocation of education function. If the strength and wisdom could be drawn from eastern traditional culture to guide educators adopt the following four measures, which may be facilitated with corresponding actions from the society side so as to solve the problems proactively, people's confidence in Chinese itself and Chinese teaching could be rebuilt up and the possibility of successfully coping with the crisis could be expected. The four measures are as below: 1. Faith: students' belief in educators and their instructions with heart and soul ; 2.Understanding: the return to original nature of Chinese study and the exploration for the truth; 3. Moral conduct: cultivation of virtue to serve life; 4.Verification: pursuit of the benefits for both society and the individual.
作者 蔡正学
出处 《当代教育论坛》 2017年第6期24-41,共18页 forum on contemporary education
基金 天津市教育科学"十二五"规划资助重点课题"基于心性品德涵养的高中语文自主学习研究"(项目编号:BE1028) 中国教育学会"十二五"教育科研规划课题"基于心性品德涵养的高中语文自主学习策略研究"(课题编号:02060696B)的阶段性成果
关键词 语文教育 文化信仰危机 深信确解笃行实证 语文教育信仰 Chinese teaching,Cultural Crisis of Credit, Oriental Culture, Faith, Understanding, Moral Conduct, Verification,Belief in Educators' Instructions
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