对自主研发的40 nm工艺SRAM型FPGA电路的抗总剂量辐射能力进行摸底试验和分析。试验表明,采用普通商用40 nm工艺未做加固的FPGA电路抗总剂量辐射能力可达100 krad(Si),说明普通商用40 nm工艺本身具有一定的抗总剂量性能。同时验证了总剂量辐射引起的器件参数退化随栅氧化层厚度的减薄而下降。
The paper presents a research and test of total ionizing dose radiation effects of F P G A circuit based on 40 nm process. In our experiment, as the radiation total does rises to 100 krad (Si), the parameter and the function of unhardened device are normal after radiation. Experiment results prove that 40 nm C M O S transistors take ability to withstand TID by itself. It also verifies that device parameter degradation descends as the decrease of the oxide gate.
Electronics & Packaging