
单向轧制与交叉轧制高纯铜锰合金再结晶微观组织及织构演变 被引量:2

The evolution of recrystallization texture and microstructure of high purity Cu-Mn alloy deformed by unidirectional rolling and cross rolling
摘要 本文将溅射靶材所用的铜锰合金在室温下以两种不同的轧制路径冷轧到相同变形量(95%),随后,轧制态样品在真空管中分别于350℃,400℃,450℃下退火1 h。采用EBSD技术研究了不同退火制度下的组织及织构演变。结果表明经过95%单轧的试样在400℃等温1 h后完成再结晶,而同等退火条件下的交轧试样则残留大量的变形组织,稍高温度450℃保温1 h后完成再结晶。与单轧试样相比,交叉冷轧时完全再结晶需要稍高温度或较长保温时间,完成再结晶后旋转立方织构含量居多。 A Cu-Mn alloy used as sputtering targets was deformed to 95% reduction at room temperature by unidirectional and cross rolling, respectively. The as-rolled samples were subsequently annealed in vacuum at respectively 350 ℃ , 400 ℃ , 450 ℃ for 1 h. Electron backscattered diffraction ( EBSD) was employed to determine the evolution of microstmctures and textures w’ith different annealing regimes. Results show that the 95% unidirectional-rolled sample is completely recrystallized at 400℃ for 1 h, and the 95% cross-rolled specimen under the same annealing condition remains a large number of deformed structures, while accomplishes recrystallization at 450 ℃fori h. Compared with the unidirectional-rolled samples, a little higher temperature or longer holding time is required to complete recr-stallization for the cross-rolled specimens, the cross-rolled specimens require a little higher tempemture and the dominant recrystallization textures are cubic and rotation-cubic types.
出处 《电子显微学报》 CAS CSCD 2017年第6期564-570,共7页 Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society
基金 重庆市基础科学与前沿技术研究项目(No.cstc2017jcyj AX0094) 科技部国家重大专项项目(No.2011ZX02705)
关键词 铜锰合金 轧制方式 再结晶织构演变 电子背散射衍射技术(EBSD) Cu-Mn alloy recrystallization evolution of recrystallization texture EBSD
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