
语文核心素养内涵及其课堂教学策略 被引量:19

The connotation of Chinese key competencies and classroom teaching strategies
摘要 基于语文核心素养的课堂教学是语文课程的价值追求。语文核心素养的内涵主要包括语言的建构与应用、思维的发展与提升、审美的鉴赏与创造、文化的理解与传承。语文课堂教学中,应运用有效教学策略紧紧围绕语文的语言、思维、审美、文化四个方面展开课堂教学,这对培养学生的语文核心素养具有重要作用。语文课堂教学是语文课程改革的重点,同时是培养学生语文核心素养的有效途径。通过分析核心素养与语文核心素养的关系,提出语文核心素养的内涵,阐述了语文核心素养课堂教学策略,以期运用有效教学策略,结合学生身心发展状开展课堂教学活动,以此提高学生语文核心素养。 Core literacy of Chinese is the value pursuit of Chinese courses. The connotation of Chinese core literacy mainly includes the construction and application of language, the development and promotion of thinking, the appreciation and creation of aesthetics,the understanding and inheritance of culture. In Chinese teaching,we should use effective teaching strategies to implement classroom teaching from the aspects of the language,thinking,aesthetic and culture,which plays an important role in cultivating students' core Chinese literacy. Chinese classroom teaching is the key point of Chinese curriculum reform; meanwhile it is an effective way to cultivate the students' core literacy. By analyzing the relationship between core literacy and Chinese core literacy,this paper puts forward the connotation of core literacy in Chinese and elaborates the strategy of classroom teaching of core literacy in order to improve the core literacy of Chinese students by using effective teaching strategies in combination with the physical and mental development of students.
出处 《黑龙江科学》 2017年第23期178-180,共3页 Heilongjiang Science
关键词 语文核心素养 内涵 课堂教学 策略 Chinese key competencies Connotation Classroom teaching Strategies
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