目的:以自制社会功能性衰老量表为根据,在现场人群实证基础上探析该量表判断健康人衰老的可行性和实用性。方法:按9个年龄组分层随机抽样,运用自制量表获取反映研究对象社会功能衰老的现况资料;统计分析个体社会功能衰老得分分布情况及其与年龄、端粒长度的相关性。结果:现场调查人数共2 297,男女比0.8:1;社会功能性衰老总分为3.00~12.90分,个人能力、社会参与、组织交往得分分别为1.00~4.45,1.00~4.52,1.00~5.00分;年龄与衰老分值的相关性较高(r=0.696,P<0.001);调查对象相对端粒长度为1.056±0.261,不同年龄间相对端粒长度差异具有统计学意义(F=35.803,P<0.001);端粒长度与年龄呈负相关(r=-0.964,P<0.001),与社会功能性衰老得分呈负相关(r=–0.857,P<0.001)。结论:社会功能衰老总分及各维度得分随年龄增大而升高,并与端粒长度呈负相关;量表适用于社会功能性衰老测评,为衰老综合性评估提供参考。
Objective: To build a social aging scale for healthy people, and get the accuracy and feasibility of the scale to judge the aging of healthy people on the basis of the empirical research. Methods: Stratifi ed random sampling was conducted according to the nine diff erent age groups, and the age-related social function information was collected for healthy people by using the scale, which was made in our own plant; the distribution of the score, the correlations between the score and age or telomere length were analyzed by statistical soft ware. Results: A total of 2 297 subjects were collected for the analysis. Th e ratio of male to female was 0.8:1. Social function of aging score was in the range of 3.00-12.90; aging score of personal ability was in the range of 1.00-4.45; aging score of social participation was in the range of 1.00-4.52; and aging score of organizational communication was in the range of 1.00-5.00. The correlation coefficient of aging scores with age was 0.696 (P〈0.001). The result of telomere length showed that the relative telomere length was 1.056±0.261. The telomere length in different groups were significantly different (F=35.803, P〈0.001). The telomere length was negatively correlated with aging (r=–0.964, P〈0.001) and social function of aging (r=–0.857, P〈0.001), respectively. Conclusion: The scores of age-related social function, personal ability, social participation, and organizational communication are increased with age. The telomere length is negatively correlated to aging score. The scale is applicable to measure social function of aging, which can provide reference for evaluation of the comprehensive of aging.
Journal of Central South University :Medical Science
health population
social function of aging
field epidemiology
empirical study