This paper utilizes Monte Carlo simulation method to conduct a small sample simulation on'the granger causality test statistics for F,LR, Wald and Mwald. The study results indicate that (1) under the condition of very small sample (n ≤ 50), the test result of LR is best, yet Mwald relatively worse; (2) as the sample quantity increases, the test results of LR and Mwald improve gradually; (3) under the condition of large sample (n=200,400), the Difference in test results of F, LR, Wald and Mwald shrinks, and in two-dimensional system, the test results of Wald and Mwald perform best, yet LR the worst; (4) the test result of F remains relatively stable without much change with sample increasing. Based on these characteristics, the paper draws a conclusion: under the condition of a very small sample, the LR is suitable for the Granger causality for sequences; under the condition of a large sam- ple, the Wald and Mwald are more applicable; however, the F statistics is appropriate for both Minimal sample test and large sam- ple test simultaneously.
Statistics & Decision