目的总结银屑病与抑郁症相关研究的现状及发展趋势。方法应用Go Pub Med检索并收集相关资料,并应用其Statistics对文献发表的时间、地域、期刊及研究主题等分布特征进行计量分析。结果共检索出529篇文献,自2003年以后,该领域的文献量逐渐增加,至2016年达历史最高。文献发表前三位的国家依次是美国(48篇,9.07%),意大利(22篇,4.15%),德国和英国相等(各21篇,各占3.97%)。大约占总文献的21%。来自中国的研究文献共5篇,占0.9%。按城市统计,前三名分别是罗马(10篇,1.9%),波士顿(9篇,1.7%),巴黎和多伦多并列第三(各6篇,1.1%)。中国台北和兰州相等(各2篇,各占0.4%),武汉(1篇,0.2%)。发表前5位的期刊依次为J Am Acad Dermatol(10篇,),Int J Dermatol(9篇),J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol(7篇),Br J Dermatol(7篇),J Dermatolog Treat(6篇),J Invest Dermatol(5篇)。患者、抑郁、银屑病、焦虑、人,为主要研究主题。Gupta A,Gupta M,Griffiths C发表的文献量居于前三。且前两位形成了一定的合作网络。结论银屑病与抑郁症之间相互关系的研究日趋成为研究的热点,我们国家应该加强该领域的研究。
Objective To summarize and analyze the research status and research trends of psoriasis and depression. Methods GoPubMed was applied as the retrieval tool to retrieve the literature of psoriasis and depression in the MEDLINE database, and the distribution of literatures by year, area, publication journals,and top terms and key authors were analyzed with Statistics. Results 529 papers were published ,which number increases remarkably since 2003, reaching historical top in 2016. The first country of the publication of the literatures was United States (48,9.07 % ), followed by Italy (22,4. 15 % ), Germa- ny and United Kingdom(21,3.97% respectively). And China ranked fourteenth (5,0.9%). The top three cities literatures from were Roma( 10,1.9% ) , Boston (9,1.7%) , Paris and Toronto (6,1.1% ). Two literatures respectively were from Chinese Wuhan, Taipei (0. 4% ) , and one from Lanzhou (0.2%). The top five productive journals were J Am Acad Dermatol( 10 ), Int J Dermatol ( 9 ), J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol ( 7 ), Br J Dermatol ( 7 ), J Dermatolog Treat (6) , J Invest Dermatol ( 5 ). The related topics were Patients, Depression, Psoriasis, Anxiety, Humans. Gupta A was the leading author, followed by Gup- ta M and Griffiths C, and the cooperation network was made between Gupta A and Gupta M. Conclusion The related research on psoriasis and depression is to become the key and hot spots in dermatology, and which is attempted to be strengthened in China.
Dermatology and Venereology