
基于文献数据分析抗精子抗体阳性所致不育不孕的证治规律 被引量:6

Syndrome pattern analysis of infertility with positive antisperm antibody based on modern literature reports
摘要 目的总结治疗抗精子抗体阳性所致不育不孕的中医证治规律。方法通过检索CNKI数据库,获取治疗抗精子抗体阳性所致不育不孕的有效文献,将属于辨证治疗的信息录入数据库,根据相关书籍对其进行规范统一,并分门别类统计和分析。结果纳入的48篇有效文献中涉及病例3734个,30类证候分型,前三位是湿热证、肾虚湿热瘀阻证、肝肾阴虚证。病性类证候要素14类,常见的是阴虚、血瘀、气虚、阳虚、湿热、精亏;137味中药,出现了715次,常用药是当归、丹参、甘草、菟丝子、生地黄、黄芪、山药、赤芍、女贞子;按药物功效分16类,前4位是补虚药、清热药、活血化瘀药、利水渗湿药。结论该病辨证以肾虚为主,以湿热血瘀为标,同时要兼顾他脏他因。治当以扶正祛邪为总则。以"补虚+清热+活血"为组方基本思想,并根据实际情况,随证加减。 Objective To summarize modern periodical literature about common syndrome differentiation of infertility with positive antisperm antibody and medication of TCM. Methods By retrieving the CNKI database, to acquire effective clinical literature re- ported about the treatment of TCM of positive antisperm antibody from 1996 to 2016. By using Excel to build a database ,thus we can analysis, conclude, summary the syndrome differentiation and treatment characteristics through frequency statistics. Results 48 articles are in line with the standard, the total number of cases is 3734 cases, and syndrome differentiation types are 30. The first three categories are followed by dampness - heat syndrome, kidney deficiency and damp heat stasis syndrome, liver kidney - Yin deficiency syndrome. Syndrome factors of disease have 14 types ,which the frequency to above 10% from high to low is Yin defi- ciency, blood stasis, Qi asthenia, Yang deficiency, dampness - heat, deficiency of vital essence. Involving 137 Chinese herbal medi- cine, the use of the total frequency of 715 times, of which the use of more than 20 times in turn are angelica, salvia,licorice, dod- der, raw radix rehmanniae, radix astragali, yam, radix paeoniae rubra, glossy privet fruit, according to efficacy can be divided into 16 categories, the top four are tonic drugs, heat - clearing drugs, blood - activating and stasis - resolving medicinal, sedative drugs. Conclusion The root of infertility caused by positive antisperm antibody is kidney deficiency, which the branch is dampness - heat and blood stasis. At the same time to consider into account other organs and other etiology, therapeutic principles is strengthe- ning body resistance and eliminating evil. The basic form of prescription is "to tonic empty + clear heat + activating blood", and according to the actual situation of the patients, symptomatic treatment.
出处 《时珍国医国药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期2777-2779,共3页 Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research
基金 国家自然科学基金(81260540) 国家中医药"十一五"重点学科中医男科学建设项目[国中医药发(2009)30号]
关键词 抗精子抗体阳性 不育不孕 证治规律 Positive antisperm antibody Infertility Syndrome differentiation and treatment
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