调查武汉市地下停车场空气中细菌与真菌的浓度与种类,为感染性疾病的预防提供客观依据。将羊血琼脂平板与沙氏葡萄糖琼脂平板暴露在地下停车场空气中15 min,随后分别培养24、72 h,计数细菌与真菌菌落数,并采用革兰染色法观察细菌的形态与染色性,采用湿片法检测真菌的菌丝与孢子。地下停车场未通风组和通风良好组有细菌菌落生长的平板数(率)分别为28(93.3%)和27(84.4%),平板上细菌菌落中位数分别为6.0和3.0,未通风组细菌菌落数显著高于通风良好组(U=67.5,P<0.001);细菌以革兰阳性杆菌为主;未通风组和通风良好组有真菌菌落生长的平板数(率)分别为24(80.0%)和8(25.0%),平板上真菌菌落中位数分别为2.0和0.0,未通风组平板上真菌菌落数显著高于通风良好组(U=185.5,P<0.001)。正常换气能有效降低地下停车场空气中的细菌与真菌的浓度,可有效改善地下停车场空气质量。
To investigate concentrations and types of bacteria and fungi in air of underground parking garages, which are used to provide objective evidences for preventing infectious diseases. Sheep blood agar plates and Sabourand dextrose agar plates were exposed in air of underground parking garages for 15 minutes, then cultured for 24 and 72 hours, respectively. Bacterial and fungal colonies on the plates were counted. In addition, Gram staining method was used to investigate bac-terial dyeability and morphology and wet sheet method was used to test fungal hyphaes and spores. The number( rates) of plates which had bacterial colonies were 28(93.3% )and 27(84.4% )in airless group and well ventilated group of underground parking garages respectively. Medians of bacterial colonies growing on plates were 6.0 and 3.0 in airless group and well ventilated group, which showed airless group had a higher bac-terial colonies than well ventilated group (U =67.5,P 〈0.001). Most bacteria growing on plates were Gram positive.The number ( rates) of plates which had fungal colonies were 24 (80.0% ) and 8 (25.0% )in airless group and well ventilated group respectively. Medians of fungal colonies growing on plates were 2.0 and 0.0 in airless group and well ventilated group, which indicated airless group had a higher fungal colonies than well ventilated group(U=185.5 , P〈0.001).Well ventilation is contributive to decreasing bacterial and fungal concentrations in air of underground parking garages, therefore improving air quantification
Environmental Research and Monitoring
gram staining