
帕金森病患者伴发疲劳的相关因素的研究 被引量:5

Research on fatigue and its associated factors in patients with Parkinson's disease
摘要 目的:研究帕金森病(PD)患者伴发疲劳的情况及其相关因素。方法:以97例PD患者为研究对象,应用疲劳严重程度量表对患者进行疲劳评估。记录所有患者统一帕金森病量表(UPDRS)评分,Hoehn-Yahr(H-Y)分期,Beck焦虑量表(BAI)、Beck抑郁量表(BDI)、帕金森病睡眠量表(PDSS)、39项PD问卷(PDQ-39)评分及左旋多巴等效剂量(LED),比较疲劳组和非疲劳组之间是否存在差异。结果:97例患者中,63例(63.9%)存在疲劳。UPDRS评分,H-Y分期,BAI、BDI、PDSS、PDQ-39评分及LED与疲劳相关。Logistic回归分析显示,BDI和PDSS评分是疲劳的独立危险因素。结论:PD患者疲劳的发生率高,抑郁和睡眠障碍是影响疲劳的主要因素,严重影响患者的生活质量。 Objective: To investigate the prevalence of fatigue and its associated factors in the patients with Parkinson disease( PD). Methods: Ninety-seven patients with PD were enrolled in this research. Fatigue severity scale was used to evaluate whether the fatigue exist or not. All patients were assessed by the unified PD rating scale( UPDRS),Hoehn-Yahr stage,Beck anxiety inventory( BAI),Beck depression inventory( BDI),PD sleep scale( PDSS),PD questionnaire-39( PDQ-39) and levodopa equivalent dose( LED),and the results were comparison between the fatigue group and the non-fatigue group. Results: Of the 97 patients,63( 63. 9%) were defined as fatigue. UPDRS,Hoehn-Yahr stage,the scores of BAI,BDI,PDSS,PDQ-39 and LED,were associated with fatigue.Binary-Logistic regression analysis showed that the scores of BDI and PDSS were independent risk factors for fatigue in patients with PD. Conclusion: Patients with PD have high incidence of fatigue. Depression and sleep disorder are correlated with fatigue,and it significantly influences the quality of life.
出处 《东南大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第6期915-918,共4页 Journal of Southeast University(Medical Science Edition)
关键词 帕金森病 疲劳 相关因素 Parkinson disease fatigue associated factors
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