
中国现代社会福利发展阶段与制度体系研究 被引量:16

The Centennial Historical Context, System Characters and Institution Pattern of Chinese Modern Social Welfare Institutions
摘要 本文从政治哲学、现代化、国家责任、公民权利、社会需要和福利等理论视角出发,运用文献回顾、社会—历史比较、社会政策和综合研究等方法,从国家与福利社会史等角度,首次简要描述1911~1949年中华民国,1949~1978年社会主义计划经济体制中国,1978~2015年改革开放中国3个发展阶段现代社会福利制度历史发展轨迹,概要梳理3个历史发展阶段社会福利制度与社会政策基本涵义、价值目标、理论基础、基本原则、服务对象、范围内容、优先领域、服务方法、管理体制和基本特征。全面介绍当代中国现代社会福利制度建设与社会政策发展现状,尤其是面临主要问题和严峻挑战,全面概括中国现代社会福利制度与社会政策框架历史发展的体系特点,系统总结中国社会福利制度与社会政策百年变迁的历史经验教训和客观规律。最后试图从理论建构角度将中国社会福利制度模式与社会政策框架概括为"社会—市场—国家组合型社会福利制度范式",为中国社会发展道路、中国经济发展奇迹提供科学理论解释,指明中国福利制度与社会政策发展的总体方向,勾勒"路线图与时间表",规划专业行动战略,为实现两个一百年目标和中华民族复兴中国梦奠定现代福利制度基础。 From theoretical perspectives on political philosophy, modernization, responsibilities of nations, rights of citizens, social need and welfare, and by using literature review, social and historical comparison, social policy and comprehensive research, the paper briefly describes the historical development of Chinese modern social welfare institutions in three periods including the Ming Guo period, the planned economy period, reform and opening up. It teases out the basic connotation, value aim, theoretical basis, elementary principles, service objectives, sphere and content, prioritized areas, service methods,management system and basic features related to social welfare and social policy in three periods.it also introduces the status quo of development of Chinese modern social welfare institutions and social policy framework, especially confronting major issues and severe challenges. Meanwhile it fully generalizes the system features of the historical development of Chinese modern social welfare institutions and social policy framework and summarizes historical experiences and objective law of centennial changes of Chinese social welfare institutions and social policy. Finally, it attempts to generalize forms of Chinese welfare institutions and social policy into the'society-market-nation combination paradigm of social welfare institutions', in order to provide scientific and theoretical explanation for China's society development and economy development miracle, pointing to positive directions in which Chinese welfare institutions and social policy can proceed. What is more, it also delineates the'roadmap and schedule'and plan professional strategy for actions, and lays modern welfare institutions foundation for achieving two centenary goals, Chinese dream and the Chinese nation's bright prospect on the road to revival.
作者 刘继同
出处 《社会工作》 2017年第5期35-59,共25页 Journal of Social Work
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(15ASH008)<中国特色现代社会福利体系建构研究>
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