
“迈注”之“迈”何许人也——复旦本《明史列传稿》研究之一 被引量:2

Who Is “Mai” in “Mai Notes”——Study on “Draft of Biography History of Ming Dynasty” of Fudan Version
摘要 复旦大学图书馆藏二六七卷本《明史列传稿》,是迄今所知张廷玉《明史》现存数种篇幅长、价值高拟稿中的一种,但学界对之研究相对较少,至今只知其于乾隆后的流传状况。文章通过对该书所保存的一个校对题签中"迈注"二字之研究,从该书乾隆嘉庆时曾存海宁拜经楼、海宁人许汝霖之家于康雍年间曾存《明史》拟稿之明朝大臣传部分之抄本、海宁人朱尔迈与许汝霖是好朋友、朱许二人与康熙时《明史》总裁陈廷敬也是好朋友、康熙二十八年至三十年以上朱许陈三人曾同处《明史》纂修馆之所在地北京、康熙二十二年纂修各官撰写的《明史》列传拟稿已经基本完成、康熙二十六年四月《明史》监修徐元文等改修为初稿的《明史》纪传部分已达十之六七、校对题签中的"迈"字、"万"字、"卷"字与现存朱尔迈一封信件中的"迈"字、"卷"字结构和笔画特点十分相似等,推断海宁人朱尔迈当即题签中的名"迈"之人。这一研究对于了解该书之早期形态以及进一步推动关于张廷玉《明史》拟稿状况这一史学史上重大课题的讨论深入发展,具有积极的意义。 Volume 2, 6, and 7 of "Draft of Biography Itistory ~fMing Dynasty" is collected in library of Fudan University, which is the longest and most valuable version of History of Ming Dynasty of ZHANG Ting-yu. However, the academic circle studies little of it and only transmission of it after the reign of Emperor Qianlong is known. This article studies "Mai Note" in it. Officials in Ming Dynasty handwrite the book and it is kept in Baijing Building in Haining and that collected in XU Ru-lin' s home, a native in Haining during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong. ZHU Er-mai, native in Haining is the friend of XU Ru-lin and they are good friends of CHEN Ting-jing, chief editor of History of Ming Dynasty. They all live in Beijing in the 28th to 30th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi, where History finished in the 22nd year of the reign of Emperor of Ming Dynasty is compiled. The first draft of it is nearly Kangxi reign of Emperor Kangxi by XU Yuan-wen. Characters and six tenth of it is finished in April 26th year of the "Mai", "Wan" and "Juan" in the book is structurally similar with that in the letter of ZHU Er-mai, and therefore ZHU Yuan-mai is the "Mai" in it. This study is significant to the study of the early form and the great issue in historical study of History of Ming Dynasty by ZHANG Ting-yu.
作者 南炳文
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期137-142,共6页 Seeking Truth
关键词 复旦大学本《明史列传稿》 朱尔迈 张廷玉《明史》拟稿 "Draft of Biography History of Ming Dynasty" of Fudan Version, ZHU Er-mai, early version of "Draft of Biography History of Ming Dynasty" by ZHANG Ting-yu
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