成都地震基准台数字台网中记录到的小震级地震数据中有的包含较为严重的干扰,本文利用MatLab计算软件对数字地震记录进行频谱分析,设计FIR、IIR两种类型滤波器对这些干扰数据进行滤波,对两种不同类型的滤波器的应用结果进行对比分析。通过滤波器处理后干扰得到有效消除,数据质量得到显著提高,分析认为2~4 Hz的干扰信息是成都地震台地震记录质量不佳的重要原因,这对于今后的地震数据分析工作具有一定的参考价值。
In Chengdu Seismic Standard Station, the seismic data of the middle and small magnitude events contain more serious interference. In this paper, the software MatLab is used to process the digital seismic records in order to reduce the interference. Two software FIR and IIR filters in the MatLab are two types of wave interference filters. The results processed by these two filters are good. It is found that the interference with the frequency 2 ~ 4 Hz is an important cause of poor-quality. That is valuable for the work about analysis and processing of seismic data in the fu- ture.
Earthquake Research in Sichuan