

Attitude Measurement and Error Analysis of Bionic Fin
摘要 仿生鳍条是仿生机器鱼的核心运动机构,为提高其运动控制精度,针对其轻巧、微小的结构特点,设计了以质量轻、体积小、精度高的MEMS陀螺仪ADXRS290和ADXRS453为核心的仿生鳍条姿态测量系统,可实现仿生鳍条偏航角、俯仰角和滚转角的实时测量;针对仿生鳍条姿态测量中随机误差较大的特点,给出了一种以Allan方差为主的姿态测量误差算法,然后通过实验采集测量数据,定量分析了各运动姿态误差项;实验结果表明,角速率随机游走和零偏不稳定性是姿态测量的主要误差项,在后续误差处理中做针对性处理能提高姿态测量精度,对提高仿生鳍条运动效率有很大的意义。 The bionic fin is the core movement mechanism of the bionic machine fish. In order to improve its motion control precision, a bionic fin attitude measurement system with high quality, small volume and high precision MEMS gyroscope ADXRS290 and ADXRS453 was designed for its light weight, tiny structural features, which could real--time realize measurement of yaw angle, pitch angle and roll angle of bionic fins. According to the characteristics of random error in the measurement of bionic fins, a posture error algorithm based on Allan vari- ance has been given. Then, the error of the motion attitude was analyzed quantitatively by experimentally collecting the measured data. The experimental results showed that the angular rate random walk and the zero partial instability were the main error items of the attitude meas- urement. The follow--up error treatment can improve the accuracy of the attitude measurement and improve the efficiency of the movement of the bionic fin.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2017年第12期43-45,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61273347)
关键词 仿生鳍条 姿态测量 ALLAN方差 误差分析 bionic fin attitude measurement Allan variance error analysis
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