
农村集体资产产权制度改革的进路与出路——以广州市天河区为例 被引量:2

Process and Direction of Reform of Property Right System on Rural Collective Assets:Case Study of Tianhe District in Guangzhou
摘要 产权经济学派从事实产权的不完全性和法律产权的不完全性来解释产权不完全现象,并广泛应用于不同领域。在我国农村集体资产产权制度改革的不同时期,如何在村集体内部实现集体资产事实产权的明晰化,并促成集体资产法律产权明晰化已成为亟待解决的问题。深度描述我国农村经济体制改革的"先行者"广州市天河区农村集体资产事实产权明晰化的进程,结合产权经济学的不完全产权理论,呈现其法律产权明晰化过程中凸显的不同法定角色的冲突、多重法定职能的张力等问题。在此基础上,总结了天河区推进事实产权明晰化过程中分配权、经营权和监管权等行为权利明晰化的经验,提出完善农村集体经济组织法律产权界定的未来方向,即引导农村集体经济组织构建相对明晰的"三资"的"按份共有"产权结构,注重完善"三资"监管的体制机制,减少交易成本,释放制度外部红利。 From the view of property right economics,there are two approaches that are widely used in different areas to explain the incompleteness of property,the incompleteness of factual concept of property and the incompleteness of the legal concept of property.In different periods of the reform of the property right system of rural collective assets in China,how to clarify the factual property right of collective assets within the villages and promote the clarity of legal property rights have become vitally important problems.Combined with the theory of incompleteness of property,a deep description is given regarding the context and the progress during the reform of the property right system of rural collective assets in Tianhe District in Guangzhou,the"forerunner"of the reform of the rural economic system in China.The problems such as the conflict of different legal roles,the tension of multiple legal functions and so on are presented in the process of the clarity of legal property.Based on this,the experience of Tianhe District is summarized of promoting the clarity of the rights of distribution,management and supervision in the process of clarifying the clarity of the property rights.And the future direction of improving the definition of legal property right in the rural collective economic organizations is proposed,i.e.,guiding the rural collective economic organizations to build a relatively clear"three kinds of capital"property right structure,focusing on improving the institutional mechanism of supervision of these"three kinds of capital",reducing transaction costs and releasing the external dividends of the system.
出处 《福建行政学院学报》 2017年第6期88-95,共8页 Journal of Fujian Administration Institute
基金 广州市天河区纪委委托课题(THJW201501)
关键词 集体经济 产权改革 事实产权 法律产权 collective economy reform of property right factual property property right
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