目的了解广东省15~74岁城乡人群牙周健康的现状,为规划广东省口腔卫生保健工作提供参考。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法,抽取广东省城乡15岁、35~44岁、55~64岁、65~74岁常住人口共2 784人,其中15岁年龄组1 920人,成年人每年龄组288人,男女各半,城乡各半。按照《第四次全国口腔健康流行病学调查牙周状况检查标准》,使用WHO推荐的CPI探针检查全口牙牙周袋深度、附着丧失。资料录入采用Epidata软件,采用SAS9.2软件进行统计学分析。结果 15岁、35~44岁、55~64岁、65~74岁城乡人群浅牙周袋的检出率分别为0.52%、38.54%、49.65%、47.22%,人均检出牙数分别为0.02、2.05、3.74、2.80;深牙周袋的检出率分别为0.05%、3.47%、15.97%、9.03%,人均检出牙数分别为0、0.07、0.31、0.16。4~5 mm附着丧失检出率分别为0.10%、26.74%、33.68%、35.07%,人均牙数分别为0、1.54、4.33、4.05;6~8 mm附着丧失检出率分别为0、6.94%、32.29%、27.08%,人均牙数分别为0、0.24、1.23、0.97。≥4 mm附着丧失检出率分别为0.10%、35.07%、79.17%、74.65%;≥6 mm附着丧失检出率分别为0、8.33%、45.49%、39.58%。35~74岁各年龄组人群牙周袋和附着丧失检出率随着年龄的增长而增加,到55~64岁达到高峰,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。牙周袋检出率性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),人均牙数35~44岁、55~64岁年龄组男性多于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。附着丧失检出率和人均牙数的性别差异有统计学意义,均为男性高于女性(P<0.05)。牙周袋、附着丧失检出率和人均牙数城乡差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论广东省35~74岁成年人群牙周炎指征检出率高,到55~64岁达到高峰,中、老年人的口腔健康仍主要受牙周炎的影响。
Objective To investigate current status of periodontal health in the population at the age of 15-74 inGuangdong province and provide information for oral health care in Guangdong. Methods A stratified multistagerandomly sampling design was applied to obtain 4 provincially representative sample groups consisted of 2784 Guangdong residents, aged at 15, 35-44, 55-64 and 65-74 respectively, with a gender ratio of half to half. The status of probing depth(PD) and loss of attachment(LOA) of the whole mouth were assessed according to the Guideline for thefourth National Oral Health Survey by using a CPI probe, and the data obtained were analyzed with SAS9.2 package.Results The prevalence of shallow periodontal pocket in the 15, 35-44, 55-64 and 65-74 years old group were 0.52%,38.54%, 49.65%, 47.22% with 0.02, 2.05, 3.74, 2.80 affected teeth on average. The corresponding percentages of deep periodontal pocket in the 4 groups were 0.05%, 3.47%, 15.97%, 9.03% with 0, 0.07, 0.31, 0.16 affected teeth on average.Prevalence and the mean affected teeth of 4-5 mm LOA were 0.10%, 26.74%, 33.68%, 35.07% and 0, 1.54, 4.33, 4.05.The prevalence and the mean affected teeth of 6-8 mm LOA were 0, 6.94%, 32.29%, 27.08% and 0, 0.24, 1.23, 0.97. The prevalence of LOA≥4 mm were 0.10%, 35.07%, 79.17%, 74.65% and the prevalence of LOA≥6 mm were 0, 8.33%,45.49%, 39.58%. In the 35-74 years old group, the prevalence and the mean teeth with PD and LOA increased with age and reached a peak in 55-64 years old group(P〈0.05). There were no significant differences in the prevalence and the mean teeth of PD and LOA between urban and rural areas. The mean teeth of PD in 35-44 and 55-64 years old groups were significant higher in the male than the female. The prevalence and the mean teeth with LOA were both significant higher in the male than the female. Conclusion The periodontal diseases indications are common in 35-74 years old people and most necessary at the age of 55-64 in Guangdong. The periodontal health may have extensive influence on oral health status in the middle-aged and the elder population in Guangdong.
Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases