

Design and Research on Automatic Deployment and Management System of Cloud Database Based on SaltStack
摘要 随着云计算技术的快速普及与发展,常规的运维方法与技术已经无法满足现在云环境中系统的配置与变更。大数据、认知技术及容器技术大量的服务器管理操作、配置变更被频繁地执行与部署,以应对多变的业务需求。本文分析和研究如何将开源软件Salt Stack自动化运维工具应用到云数据库自动化部署与管理系统设计中去。 With the rapid popularization and development of cloud computing technology,the conventional methods and techniques of operation and maintenance can not meet the configuration and change of the system in the cloud environment.Big data,cognitive technology and container technology are a large number of server management operations,configuration changes are frequently executed and deployed to cope with the changeable business needs. This paper analyzes and studies how to apply the open source software SaltStack automated operation and maintenance tool to the design of automatic deployment and management system of cloud database.
作者 宋荣
出处 《现代信息科技》 2017年第4期13-14,17,共3页 Modern Information Technology
关键词 云数据库 自动化部署 cloud database SaltStack automatic deployment
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