目的 观察重组人生长激素治疗肝硬变低蛋白血症的疗效。方法 随机选择 30例血清蛋白 <30 g/L、A/G <1 0的肝炎后肝硬变 (活动期 )病人 ,在常规治疗基础上加用重组人生长激素 4IU ,皮下注射 ,每日 1次 ,10d为 1个疗程。结果 治疗后 ,病人临床症状明显改善 ,腹水明显减少 ,下肢浮肿消退 ,血清白蛋白明显增加 ,球蛋白明显下降 ,A/G比值升高 ,停药 2周后白蛋白增加更为明显。结论 在综合治疗基础上使用重组人生长激素 ,能改善肝炎后肝硬变 (活动期 )病人蛋白合成功能 ,改善低蛋白血症和营养状况。
Objective To study the effects of recombinant human growth hormone(Zaizen;Serono) on treatment of liver cirrhosis patients with lower albuminemia.Methods Thirty cases of patients with liver cirrhosis were studied.The patients were given growth hormone with dose of 4IU perday subcutaneously for 10 days in addition to regular therapy.Results After been treated for 10 days,the clinical symptoms of the patients improved.No side effect was found.Conclusion Growth hormone therapy can increase the level of albumin and improve the nutrition status in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy