
全国中药资源普查(试点)工作进展情况简介 被引量:35

Brief introduction to progress of national census of Chinese medicine resources(pilot)
摘要 从2011年开始,国家中医药管理局组织开展了中药资源普查试点工作(以下简称"试点工作")。2016年底,已开展31个省(区、市)922个县的中药资源普查工作,在各单位的共同努力下,试点工作取得了阶段性成果。为第四次全国中药资源普查的全面实施,优化了技术方法、锻炼了队伍、积累了经验、奠定了扎实的工作基础。截止到2017年8月,通过"全国中药资源普查信息管理系统",初步汇总整理到中药资源调查数据信息200余万条,照片500余万张,腊叶标本等实物20余万份。各地参与中药资源普查的相关工作者,累计发现新物种40余种。试点工作期间,初步形成了包括1个中心平台、28个省级中药原料质量监测技术服务中心,66个县级监测站的中药资源动态监测信息和技术服务体系;重点开展190种中药材的价格、流通量和种植面积等6大类的信息服务,中药材质量、田间管理等10大类的技术服务。在20个省(区、市)布局建设了28个中药材种子种苗繁育基地,对近160种中药材的种子种苗进行繁育生产;并在海南及四川建立了2个中药材种质资源库,保存中药资源普查工作中收集的种质资源实物。 Since the beginning of 2011,with the strong support of the Ministry of Finance,the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has organized the pilot work on the census of traditional Chinese medicine resources( hereinafter referred to as the "pilot work"). At all levels of Chinese medicine management departments under the joint efforts of the pilot work has achieved initial results. For the fourth national comprehensive implementation of traditional Chinese medicine resources,the technical methods have been optimized,the working teams have been professionally trained,and the experiences are accumulated. All of these laid a solid foundation for the work. As of August 2017,through the " National Resources Survey Information Management System". The initial summary of the Chinese medicine resourcesdisplayed more than 200 million collected data,more than 500 million photos,and more than 20 million copies of dried specimens and other physical materials. Furthermore more than 40 species of new species were found by the participant workers participate in the relevant Chinese medicine resources survey. During the pilot work,a central platformhas initially formed,28 provincial-level traditional Chinese medicine raw material quality monitoring technical service center,66 county-level monitoring stations of Chinese medicine resources dynamic monitoring information and technical service system were established. The information monitoring services of 190 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine prices,circulation and planting area of six major categories of,Chinese herbal medicine quality,field management and other 10 categories of technical services were launched. In the 20 provinces( autonomous regions and municipalities),the construction of 28 Chinese herbal medicine seed breeding base were arranged,nearly 160 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine seed breeding production were carried out. And in Hainan and Sichuan province,two Chinese herbal medicine germplasm resources bases were established,preserve the germplasm resources collected in traditional Chinese medicine resources census work were preserved.
作者 黄璐琦 孙丽英 张小波 郭兰萍 王慧 李梦 景志贤 HUANG Lu-qi;SUN Li-ying;ZHANG Xiao-bo;GUO Lan-ping;WANG Hui;LI Meng;JING Zhi-xian(State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Dao-di Herbs, National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medical, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;Technology Division, State of Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100027, China)
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第22期4256-4261,共6页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302) 科技基础性工作专项(2013FY114500) 中医药全国性专项(ZZYZK2013-科技司A-004)
关键词 全国中药资源普查 工作进展 简介 national Chinese medicine resource census work progress introduction
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