The Belt and Road initiative is a major measure for China to implement all-round opening up policy in the new era, and also a Chinese version for peaceful cooperation and mutual development of countries along the Belt and Road. At the International Cooperation Summit Forum on the "Belt and Road" Initiative, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed countries along the Belt and Road should increase dialogues among think tanks, give full play to think tanks, and build alliances and cooperation networks. The integration of big data and the construction of think tanks has far-reaching implications for countries along the Belt and Road to realize social and economic development, enhance global governance, become more competitive at global level, and promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding among the peoples along the Belt and Road. In the new era, given the situation of the construction of think tanks and various challenges facing the construction of big data along the Belt and Road, we need to take a further step to explore effective ways to make use of big data to provide scientific support for global governance along the Belt and Road, and stay focused on following areas: strengthen think tanks' top strategy design; enhance the infrastructure construction of think tanks and ensure data security; strengthen the construction of support mechanisms, and make the operation of think tanks more independent and objective.
Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
The Belt and Road Initiative
big data think tanks
discourse power of think tanks
global governance
construction of think tanks