
“一带一路”全球治理与智库话语权 被引量:3

Global Governance along the Belt and Road and Discourse Power of Think Tanks
摘要 "一带一路"倡议是中国新时期全方位对外开放的重大举措,也是推动沿线国家和平合作、共同发展的中国方案。习近平总书记在"一带一路"国际合作高峰论坛中提出"一带一路"沿线国家要加强智库对话,发挥智库作用,建设好智库联盟和交流合作网络。大数据与智库建设的融合对于促进沿线国家经济社会发展、推进"一带一路"全球治理、提升沿线国家国际竞争优势、增进文明互鉴与民心相通等具有深远意义。新时代背景下,结合‘一带一路’智库建设的实际情况,针对‘一带一路’大数据建设面临的多种挑战,需要进一步探索利用大数据技术为‘一带一路’全球治理提供科学支撑的有效途径,包括加强智库顶层战略设计;加强智库基础设施建设与数据安全保障;加强支撑机制建设,提升智库运行的独立性与客观性等。 The Belt and Road initiative is a major measure for China to implement all-round opening up policy in the new era, and also a Chinese version for peaceful cooperation and mutual development of countries along the Belt and Road. At the International Cooperation Summit Forum on the "Belt and Road" Initiative, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed countries along the Belt and Road should increase dialogues among think tanks, give full play to think tanks, and build alliances and cooperation networks. The integration of big data and the construction of think tanks has far-reaching implications for countries along the Belt and Road to realize social and economic development, enhance global governance, become more competitive at global level, and promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding among the peoples along the Belt and Road. In the new era, given the situation of the construction of think tanks and various challenges facing the construction of big data along the Belt and Road, we need to take a further step to explore effective ways to make use of big data to provide scientific support for global governance along the Belt and Road, and stay focused on following areas: strengthen think tanks' top strategy design; enhance the infrastructure construction of think tanks and ensure data security; strengthen the construction of support mechanisms, and make the operation of think tanks more independent and objective.
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期28-33,共6页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 北京市哲学社会科学基金重点项目“国家一带一路战略推进北京国家文化中心建设提速创新支撑平台研究”(15JDCSA003) 北京市科技支撑计划重点项目“北京世园会‘一带一路’国际传播平台研究”(Z171100004417032)
关键词 “一带一路” 大数据智库 智库话语权 全球治理 智库建设 The Belt and Road Initiative big data think tanks discourse power of think tanks global governance construction of think tanks
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