

The Effect of Red Light Decreasing on the Duration Estimation and Emotional Experience
摘要 目的通过调整红灯信号的渐消方式来缩短行人对红灯时长的时距估计,提升情绪水平,创造更好的人机互动体验。方法实验通过口头估计法对红灯刺激信号的形状、消减速度和分割数目/频率不同水平的测试,来研究被试的时距估计和轻松值反馈。结果发现形状和速度的主效应显著,倒梯形和减速消减在诸多形状与速度水平中能够创造最短的时距估计及轻松值,而矩形和匀速消减表现最差。且相比刺激的外框形状变化,分割数目变化带来的视觉单元面积变化并不能显著影响时距判断。结论刺激的3种因素以及因素间的关联程度对被试的时距估计和情绪水平产生显著的影响。 To shorten the duration estimation and improve the subjective emotional level by redesigning the decrease of red traffic light, the experiments is used verbal estimation method to test the different conditions of shape, decreasing speed and segmentation/frequency to research the response of participants' duration judgment and feeling. It reveals that the main effects of shape and speed are significant. Especially the inverted-trapezoid and deceleration got the best performance during all factor conditions while the rectangle and the constant speed were the worst. Besides, the change of stimuli outline would bring the change of size of subunits which will influence the judgment of duration while the segmentation change would not. The three factors and the mutual correlations will affect the participants duration estimation and emotional reaction significantly.
出处 《包装工程》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第24期93-97,共5页 Packaging Engineering
关键词 红灯信号 人机交互 时距估计 情绪体验 red light human-computer duration estimation emotional experience
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