
从清词总集看“清词三大家”的经典化生成 被引量:2

The General Collection of Qing Ci and the Canonization the “Three Great Ci Writers of Qing”
摘要 清词三大家指陈维崧、朱彝尊、纳兰性德三人。康熙、乾隆两朝的清词总集收录陈维崧的词较多,自乾隆末年到晚清时期渐少。朱彝尊的词收入量在浙西词派的清词总集中排名较靠前,而在其他清词总集中波动性较大。纳兰性德词直到清末时才被推重,在晚清一些清词总集中,纳兰性德词数量和所处地位都要高于陈、朱二人。从内容看,陈维崧早年多绮语,到《今词初集》等清词总集中,艳词减少,豪放之作大增,自此开阳羡豪放词风。朱彝尊词入选最多的是中长调,不以雅正为主,各种风格的词作兼收。纳兰之词被收者以小令和中调居多,词风趋向自然深情。 The "three great Ci -writers in the Qing Dynasty" refers to Chen Weisong, Zhu Yizun, Nalan Xingde. More of Chen Weisong's Ci poems have been included in the General collection of Qing Ci of Kangxi and Qianlong's time. But his works was less collected since the late of Qianlong' s period. Zhu Yizun' s Ci works was more popular among the West Zhejiang School of Ci Poetry in the General Collection than others. Nalan Xingde was only rewarded and respected in the late Qing Dynasty, and the amount of his works was more than that of the other two in the general col- lection for this time. The early works of Chen Weisong had gorgeous and amorous tastes, however, in some general col- lections such as "Jinci Churl", the number of his amorous works had been reduced and the bold and unconstrained style increased, which turned him into a leader of the Yangxian Ci School. There were more mid and long songs in Zhu Yizun's ci works, and his literary style was not limited in "standard" style. On the contrary, there were more "short songs" in Nalan's works, and he was famous for his natural feeling and deep love.
作者 孙欣婷
机构地区 济南大学文学院
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2017年第4期72-77,共6页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
基金 2017年山东省高等学校人文社会科学项目"清人选清词视野下的清代词学批评"(项目编号J17RB035) 2016年济南大学校级项目"清人选清词总集研究"(项目编号16YB01)
关键词 清词总集 清词三大家 经典化 General Collection of Qing Ci the three great Ci -writers canonization
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